Weather Related Organizations >


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Cutty Sark Sailor:
Another PWS owner and a scripter weather-lover have informed me they're working on a couple of features to add... stay tuned...  this will truly be a community project when it's done!  Great!

Looking good, and looking forward to the additional features.  Let's fill in all of those NOAA sites folks.

I probably cant help you much, but you have my full support in this and it is great when people get together like this to work on some useful thing.

I only wonder what Im going to hang above my toilet  :-( :-( :-(

Cutty Sark Sailor:

--- Quote from: Jáchym on February 12, 2017, 06:50:40 PM ---I probably cant help you much, but you have my full support in this and it is great when people get together like this to work on some useful thing.

I only wonder what Im going to hang above my toilet  :-( :-( :-(

--- End quote ---

Ohh... thank you so much!!! I dont even think I deserve this... It will nicely complement the one I already have in my bathroom - that one I deserved for absolutely top-quality data which passed the strict WU Gold star algorithm


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