I have been testing Davis FARS together with Barani for a few days now. Both are at a height of 2 meters above the ground, on the same pole.
Place: Garden
Heigh: 2 meters above ground
Sesnor: Davis SHT31 (old version)
FAN: 12V, 29 CFM
Log interval: 5 min
Sensor: Davis SHT31 (new version)
FAN: ----
Log interval: 5 min
Barani FARS
Tmax - 31,4*C 31,6*C
Tmin - 15,2*C 15,6*C
Tavg- 24,5*C 24,7*C
Below is yesterday's comparison chart. Wind speed is measured right next to the shields, by a Davis sensor.
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Below is a graph from an episode of heavy rain combined with wind. The rain fell intensely, briefly and at quite a large angle. The chart shows how FARS quite quickly after the precipitation passed, began to read about 1*C higher to Barani. This is where I believe that the shield has overcooled in Barani due to water getting inside. Evaporation lowered the temperature in Barani. In such a case, FARS, as a dry shield, read the current temperature better, even though it was higher.
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