Weather Software > VP Tools (Virtual VP, VP Live, and VP Tools)

To what extend to use VirtualVP


I thought that this would be a good way for us to show our appreciation for this terrific software by sharing how we have VirtualVP configured and for non users of VirtualVP to realize the many possibilities that this program offers.

At I have deployed the following configuration through the use of VirtualVP. The details can be read at

Weatherlink – VCOM1
VPLive – VCOM3
WXSolution – VCOM4
WsWin32 – reads WLK file @5 min.

Looking forward for the update with a permanent TCP port.

Mark / Ohio:
VP2 - WeatherLink
VP3 - VP Live
VP4 - I'm using this one to test run trial versions.  This is a very strong point of Virtual VP.  You can try out other products all while keeping your current software running undisturbed.   :!:

Good point Mark.

VP1 = WeatherLink
VP2 = VPLive (CWOP)
VP3 = Weather Display & Weather Display Live
VP4 = Open

Thanks to VirtualVP and VPLive I was able to bypass WeatherLink uploads of my profiles which Davis for some reason also was sending a WU report, and WU locks up ALOT, so I have WL sending to local and I upload them 3rd party scheduler and cmd prompt FTP. VPlive enabled me to continue to send to CWOP which I would hate to give up. I now have WD sending to WU thanks to Kens post earlier on another thread, and WD recovers from hangs.

My use of VirtualVP is a bit simpler, but very useful for my station.

Dedicated Laptop:
  VirtualVP uses COM1 to talk to VP1+ console.
  VP1 = WeatherLink 5.7
  VP2 = Weather-Display 10.35p
  VP3 = VPLive
  VP4 = TCP/IP port to other system

Other System:
  VP1 = testing port on COM8 (for any weather software I like :-)

Other System also runs:
  Boltek-PCI card
  ImageSalsa (upload thumbnail cam @15 sec intervals, host webserver
    for 'live' cam view @ 1sec refresh rates)
  MovieSalsa (for time-lapse videos)
  Dreamweaver 8 Studio (for website maint)
  Firefox with FireBug, NoScript, NetCraft, ForecastFox, Developer tools
  IE6-SP2, Opera 8, Netscape 7 used for testing
  Thunderbird for mail
  DesktopSidebar to watch it all :-)

More info at

Best regards,

I'm running VirtualVP on a weather dedicated machine to run the following:

VirtualVP talking to a VP1 on COM1
VP1 = WeatherLink 5.6
VP2 = Weather Display 10.35L
VP3 = VPLive
VP4 = VWS 12.07 p43

Weatherlink is generating a couple of rain related graphs, my NOAA reports, a small data file.

Weather Display is generating clientraw data which is used for the majority of data on the site and Weather Display Live. WD is also doing my WU uploads.

VPLive is handling CWOP and is the SW I look at to see what is going on on the station at a given moment.

VWS is generating a small data file and most of the graphs I use.

VirtualVP definitely rocks!  8)


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