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TRADE: Davis WeatherLink USB Data logger for Serial vers.

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I have  a Davis WeatherLink USB Data logger which I would like to trade for Serial version of the same.

Info of what I have can be found here: http://www.davisnet.com/weather/products/weather_product.asp?pnum=06510USB

and what I an looking for is here: http://www.davisnet.com/weather/products/weather_product.asp?pnum=06510SER

Also, if anyone has WeatherLink for Irrigation Control for trade plus an additional agreeable payment or for sale outright at a resonable price (found here: http://www.davisnet.com/weather/products/weather_product.asp?pnum=06560), please contact me at bigdog8302 at hotmail dot com.

Original CD will be included if needed.


The problems with the USB WeatherLink are well-documented. Davis seems willing to swap them for serial versions. Have you tried asking them?

(No one I know would swap serial for USB...)

They swapped my USB out without question and had the serial within one week. They are very familiar with the connectivity issues users are experiencing like Chris mentioned.


--- Quote from: "capeweather" ---They swapped my USB out without question and had the serial within one week. They are very familiar with the connectivity issues users are experiencing like Chris mentioned.
--- End quote ---

Ditto my situation.

You're better off contacting Davis. They'll send you a new serial datalogger free of charge as long as you return your USB logger within a month of receiving the serial from them. The only thing you'll have to pay is the shipping (and insurance) to return your USB datalogger to them. (which you'd pay if you found someone to swap with anyway.)



Thanks for all the info. I was worried that Davis would not exchange my data logger 'cause it's past it's warranty. But Davis support came through, and now I'm just waiting for it to arrive.


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