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DIY wireless digital rain gauge.
--- Quote from: DanS on July 14, 2009, 06:45:09 AM ---.... 8 inch funnel gives a 50 cubic inch area and ....
--- End quote ---
Shouldn't that be square inches?
You knew that, just busting you.
Looks like a neat project. I don't have the patience to do that kind of thing. Or the smarts...
Wow! thats awesome!
FINALLY I'm at home long enough to catch a rain storm passing by and got everything setup in time to run a comparison. I set out a manual rain gage next to my untested wireless rain gage. Both were about 20 feet from the weather station's rain sensor. The shower came and passed and all three read close to 0.09 in. I realize that there may still be water in the tip buckets, not quite enough for one more tip, and the scale accuracy of the manual gage is not so detailed. All three are reading close to each other on this first comparison though and I do feel confident with the wireless homemade gage now. \:D/ It took only a couple of days to construct but weeks to get it checked out. :roll: I'll experiment with it's RF transmission range during the next passing shower. Today's reading was from a distance of about 50 feet through a brick wall.
You got a winner there. Make it sticky so we can find it easier. What do you think is the max rain rate it'll transmit, the max switch closure?
I like this.
Way cool! And don't you just love the Chinglish on the original packaging? "Professional Produce"? I don't see any veggies. Not even amateur ones. :)
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