Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting

AWNTags.php - fatal error


After getting a new Ambient Weather WS-2000 Weatherstation, I was going to switch from the Weather Display Plugin to the Ambient Weather plugin, but after doing so, I got this error:

--- Code: ---Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array,
null given in /membri/panhandlewx/wp-content/AWNtags.php:1365 Stack trace: #0 /membri/panhandle
wx/wp-content/AWNtags.php(256): AWN_getMinMax(NULL, '2025-01-04') #1 /membri/panhandlewx/wp
-content/top.php(81): include_once('/membri/panhand...') #2 /membri/panhandlewx/wp-content/wxind
ex.php(40): include('/membri/panhand...') #3 {main} thrown in /membri/panhandlewx/wp-content/AW
Ntags.php on line 1365
--- End code ---

I tried reuploading the files, but nothing changed. I also deleted the old WD files, still, nothing changed. What might be the issue?

The problem is with your proxy service connection to ambientweather.net

--- Quote ---<!-- AWNtags.php - Version 1.09 - 06-May-2022 -->
<!-- AWNtags.php - fetching current data JSON -->
<!-- curl fetching 'https://api.ambientweather.net/v1/devices/?applicationKey=*****&apiKey=05738aaee7844947a1b1d8293ed950bef5763595dea6469ea1efbb98e709c33a' -->
<!-- curl Error: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT -->

--- End quote ---

due to the 403 Forbidden response, no data was received and thus the Fatal Error.

Contact ambientweather.net and ask to have your proxy server address removed from a block-list.

Ah, thanks Ken! I will try to do that.

Reached out to them, we'll see if they do anything about this.


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