Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting

BIX Weather story moved.. how to update wxStory_inc.php?


Wishing a happy and a merry to all who observe, and no rush fixing this on the eve of the eve...

Boston's weather story has moved, and I tried a few things on wxStory_inc.php and did not improve the situation.

The story graphic used to be at https://www.weather.gov/images/box/weatherstory.gif

and now it's at https://www.weather.gov/images/box/weatherstory.png

Both are still online but only the latter seems to be getting updated.

I'm okay editing php files, so would be glad to make the change, but I'm afraid there's too much holiday around here for me to look at it right now. If anyone has some spare time, pointers on which lines to change would be appreciated.

Happy holidays to all, and to all a good night!

Carefully proofread my post and only see the typo in the titles after sending! No more nog for me. It's BOX, Boston's NWS.

Try changing lines 245 & 246 to this

--- Code: --- } else if ($wswfo == "box") {
$image[1] = "https://www.weather.gov/images/box/weatherstory.png";    // watch out, this might change
--- End code ---

and line 291 to this

--- Code: --- $myurl = "https://www.weather.gov/box/weatherstory";
--- End code ---

Clear the cache and reload.  You should be good.

That did it! Thanks.


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