Weather Software > Meteohub/Meteobridge

Meteobridge pro 2 display commands


I have been the owner of a Davis weather station (Vantage Vue + Vantage Pro 2 console) for many years, combined with Meteobridge (TP-LINK MR3020). Recently, I switched to a Meteobridge Pro 2. What an amazing device, and it's also a challenge because I still lack sufficient knowledge to get more out of the Meteobridge.
The basics are in place, and everything is working to my satisfaction. It's also great that you can, for example, access a built-in weather dashboard via the internet.

What I still have questions about is whether I can upload other display templates to the Meteobridge. There are a few available now. I also see, when reading the WIKI, that it's quite complicated to write a command yourself that fully meets my requirements.

At the moment, the display shows some data via the following templates:
"template:wind-outdoor-indoor-rain-system ISO 5min wrap.dsp"

"What I would like is nearly the same template, but without the 'system' data, and with a faster 'loop' so that the data changes more frequently. For example, in 1 minute, all the data should be shown and then start over again.
How can I do that?"


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