Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting

sunposa.php error

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W Thomas:
Howdy folks,
I did the latest update for the sun/moon almanac and everything seems to be working except for one image at the top of the page. Upon digging around I found several PHP errors that I wasn't aware I had. I'm somewhat confused as to the root cause but from what testing and probing I have done my diagnosis is some form or Gregorian calendar is missing from the web host. Before I begin the long process of convincing my web host whats missing and why I need it I thought I would run it pass folks a little better versed in code than I am :).
I have attached the errors received when I try to call the particular image.

Thanks In Advance!

You need to ask your provider to enable calendar in PHP.

And make sure that your time zone is set correctly in Settings.php. It seems to be set to America/New York - is that right?

I see the error for time zone America/New York but it should be America/New_York.

W Thomas:
Thanks for the help everyone!  I was thinking along the lines of a problem with my host.
I will get started convincing them that this feature needs to be enabled on their end. That should be fun  :grin:

Thanks for pointing my time zone area error

I've noticed an error on my site,



PHP has a calendar enabled.

Any suggestions please?



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