Weather Related Organizations > WeatherUnderground
Data to Wunderground and PWS are always 28 minutes old, Ambient is current
Strange problem began this afternoon. The data from my WS-2000 consistently updates to the Ambient's AWN network within a minute or 2 as normal, but the data on Wunderground and PWS is consistently 28 minutes old. The clock on my unit is set correctly and I already tried unplugging the unit and plugging back in. Anyone else seen this?
Update: It's happening again, now with delays from 30 minutes to 3 hours. It seems to be an issue from PWS stations using Ambient weather network passing data to PWSweather and Wunderground. The data gets there, but its 3 hours old. Many stations affected.
It’s happening to me. Why is it so hard to get any status info on weather underground’s services.
I don't think its the fault of Wunderground because the same is happening with PWSNetwork too. Its Ambient. If you are using AWN to send data to WU or PWS, the data is being sent, but it takes 3 hours to receive it.
Same issue here!
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