Web Weather > Personal Weather Station Links

Weatherlink won't update.

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I don't have any experience with Weather link.

But "552 Disk full" can be an FTP error (Filezilla, perhaps). Curiously, take a look at this similar situation involving Bluehost:

This one doesn't involve Bluehost, but the issue is similar: https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=58401

Ok, I think we are getting somewhere. The problem is with Bluehost and the FTP transfer. Getting them to admit it will be another issue


--- Quote from: Mattk on August 15, 2024, 01:43:04 AM ---Yes would appear you may have run out of disk space? However you would need to check that and see what files/images uploading are simply overwritten/replaced and what might be increasing the storage.

Also this may or may not be related but WeatherLinkPC has an upper/maximum file limit of 299 .wlk files which is 24 years and 11 months and before any further .wlk files can be added then older one have to be deleted.

"She" maybe also a bit young to understand anything beyond the App syndrome :)   

--- End quote ---
I never knew that WL had a limit on WLK files. I wonder why they would  do that? Anyways I am getting close at 20 plus years. Does it just stop making new files or does it overwrite old ones?


--- Quote from: Mattk on August 15, 2024, 01:43:04 AM ---Yes would appear you may have run out of disk space? However you would need to check that and see what files/images uploading are simply overwritten/replaced and what might be increasing the storage.

Also this may or may not be related but WeatherLinkPC has an upper/maximum file limit of 299 .wlk files which is 24 years and 11 months and before any further .wlk files can be added then older one have to be deleted.

"She" maybe also a bit young to understand anything beyond the App syndrome :)   

--- End quote ---

Having four stations on the same installation has lead to this problem already. Switched to several instances of CumulusMX.

My webhost has started allowing FTP uploads again. Out of the blue. No problems for almost a week. This isn't the first time Bluehost has refused my FTP uploads. They never accept responsibility.


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