Weather Station Hardware > Rainwise Weather Stations


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Well a new battery made no difference.

The outside temp works fine along with the other sensors. 

The RH and DP only appear to be accurate when the sun is hitting the solar panel.

Thanks anyway.

Well, shucks!
I was hoping to hear that you were back on line with accurate sensors.

Did you say you had swapped out the solar panel with another one?  Of course those are hard to find unless you have a big junk box.

I am fascinated by this behavior and if and when you solve it, please let us know. 
I don't recall the specs of the panel, but since this is so reproducible, if a voltage/current source of the right amount were available, to clip that on the panel's socket and see what happens would be of some interest.  I'd just not want you to fry the whole unit with too high a voltage.

I'm beginning to think the power charging/steering part of the unit is goofy, but why and how and why only the RH/temp, which I assume you've cleaned the connections and reseated the plug on the socket if it were a corrosion/resistance in the connection problem.

Anyway, best of luck and it is very frustrating to have a thing that has been so dependable to give problems with no insight into the circuit.  Dale

Thanks Dale

I plan to go back in and check/clean the Temp/RH sensor connection to the motherboard.  I did replace that cable a few years back when the original developed a cut.

I had a extra station from years ago that I've been cannibalizing.  The only thing that is actually left was the solar panel.  I put a meter on both and I believe I'm now using the one with the best voltage.

I wonder if you could replace the actual humidity sensor element if you eventually suspect that might be bad. I replaced my Davis VP2 analog humidity sensor element (also no longer supported) with a Vaisala intercap humidity sensor. Works terrifically. I’m assuming the mkiii uses a similar analog technology. If you eventually pull the sensor element, please post some pictures.

I've replaced the temp/rh sensor before and it's possible that it may still be bad.  Can't remember when I replaced it.

I would gladly replace it again, except Rainwise or the parent company, as far as I know, no longer make parts of the MKIII (non-LR).

As Dale pointed out, the temp works fine 24/7.  The rh/dp only become accurate when the sun is out and hitting the solar panel.

The old MKIII non-LR temp/rh sensor is about 1x3" with the standard Rainwise plug on one end.  Fits down inside the tube housing below the anemometer.  I think the newer one Rainwise uses (LR) is more square.  You can see a pic of it on their website.



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