Web Weather > Personal Weather Station Links

Can someone help me create a website for my Davis station?

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You'll not be able to use Google Sites for your station.. AFAIK they don't support FTP/SFTP/FTPS uploads of content required by meteobridge, and current meteobridge may not support SFTP/FTPS due to an old library in the meteobridge software itself.  Boris would have to recompile to update that library.

You'll need a personal website from a hoster (Ionos, GoDaddy, etc) to use the templates I cited. 

Hi guys, not much building skills so this is work in progress! Suggestions welcomed


I think you did a very good job.
The radar guy in me though says get some software and customize it to your area. Same with the satellite data. COD is a great site but I would try to get away from using another weather site for the data.
But that's just me.
Otherwise you did fantastic for your first crack at it. [tup]


--- Quote from: ocala on February 20, 2024, 03:40:56 PM ---I think you did a very good job.
The radar guy in me though says get some software and customize it to your area. Same with the satellite data. COD is a great site but I would try to get away from using another weather site for the data.
But that's just me.
Otherwise you did fantastic for your first crack at it. [tup]

--- End quote ---

I would love get a better site but sadly I don’t know how to set it up. I use a meteobridge with my Davis. I would probably pay someone to help me set up a nice looking site with customizable graphs etc. 🤷🏻‍♂️🙏🏻

Brian does frequent the meteobridge forums here:


and is still doing some work occasionally on templates


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