Web Weather > Personal Weather Station Links

Can someone help me create a website for my Davis station?

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--- Quote from: Adrian23 on February 23, 2024, 05:17:04 PM ---     great customer service.

--- End quote ---

They were very patient and helpful to get some details right when I was setting up.

Question for you guys being in South Florida we often have tornadoes, severe weather and hurricanes will the weather34 template show these alerts? I notice there are alerts being displayed on the top right corner.


--- Quote from: Adrian23 on February 28, 2024, 11:51:50 AM ---Question for you guys being in South Florida we often have tornadoes, severe weather and hurricanes will the weather34 template show these alerts? I notice there are alerts being displayed on the top right corner.

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Hi guys still looking for someone interested in helping me create a website for my VP2 using Ken’s template. I can provide info to my host or whatever is needed. Please reach out to me if interested. Would greatly appreciate it.



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