Weather Station Hardware > Blitzortung

Solar or Battery Power


Has anyone achieved using solar or battery options? Is this an option?

Many thanks


Well that's a fairly standard option, solar charging a battery. What was the question?


--- Quote from: Mattk on October 30, 2023, 06:28:36 AM ---Well that's a fairly standard option, solar charging a battery. What was the question?

--- End quote ---

Sorry. How to do it and what is required.

Cutty Sark Sailor:
I'd have to be in DIRE need, before going through that experiment again!
Many issues with BT can track directly to an external 5V power supply, type and installation... She DOESN'T need anything fancy or super expensive... mine do fine with specific older $10 Samsung series wall warts, or a specific $15 adjustable, that is sadly no longer available in the original design...  these switching supplies are very 'Blitzortung' friendly, but MANY are NOT...
One 'issue' with SOLAR on Blitzortung System is Noise in VHF band created by SOME Solar circuitry, and erratic voltages, noise, emission.  The more 'wires' and 'extra stuff' in and around a BT system, the more likely to have strange noise/signal erratics.  I mean, we're trying to DETECT specific 'noise' impulse energy signatures in about the dirtiest Earthly RF spectrum!
Some folks have had good luck... My experience was NOT good ... too many extra 'attachments' and wires in my noisy EM environment already, and unwillingness to experiment further-- either time or money.
GENERALLY: (yeah, there's always someone with an 'exception'...)
ANYTHING generating noise below 300kHz, ground-loop, line voltage or EM near-field can be problematic, either in sensors or circuitry.  And if starts to go 'sour', may be awhile before noticed and frustrating to isolate back to power. Suggest 15W minimum, precise 5V as possible. She'll run BEST at 4.9 to 5.2 V, ...   below about 4.7V then may begin to have issues.  DON'T EXCEED 5.25V !!! and 6 Volt spikes of sufficient duration may damage onboard power / devices, depending on system version.
Earth/cold water Grounding, in any fashion, a BLUE system is NOT recommended, generally un-necessary, and may induce noise.  A ground point is provided on Sys RED, but properly installed and located, is simply un-necessary in MOST environments.


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