Weather Related Organizations > CoCoRaHS

Happy Anniversary KY-FR-1

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Cutty Sark Sailor:
 [tup] ...let this little personal 'Significant Weather' milestone get by me yesterday.. #-o Usually have a second cup of coffee, and a smile, to celebrate... anyway, 5948 observations in 16 Years traipsing out into 'yo weather'... 912"± one drop or crystal at a time 301" snow... . Not counting ETo, frost reports, freezing rain reports, etc... Only fell on ice once so far, but I remember it well... Go figure ... nuttin' special, since anybody can do this, just participate and live long enough...  :twisted:

Congratulations Mike, 16 years  =D> =D> 
You've been my motivator!


Congratulations, Mike!   I'd joined Nov 1, 2008 and only have 5,439 observations and zero with snow :)

7/17/08 with 5474 here.


--- Quote from: Cutty Sark Sailor on October 23, 2023, 09:39:24 PM ---

--- End quote ---

What's the unit to the right of the CocoRaHS gauge ?


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