Weather Related Organizations > CoCoRaHS
New CoCoRaHS feature: Data Explorer
There is a new feature on the data page called Data Explorer.
There are some interesting graphical depictions. I was able to catch several missing data days using the feature that shows the observations.
I keep a paper log and was able to correct the online version.
Greg H.
Thank you.
Thanks Greg,
Very nice, and the year-over-year accumulated precipitation graphs clearly shows the heavy rains in early May and then 5-6 weeks of drought and then record rain in July.
I also was able to see one day in January I had missed reporting and now have corrected that from my manual records as well.
I did find this humorous...
Station Information
Station Number CAN-ON-784
Station Name Komoka 3.1 W
Creation Date Jul 29, 2020
Country USA
State Canada
County Ontario
Longitude -81.4380555
Latitude 42.96
Elevation 817 ft.
For Canadian CoCoRaHS contributors we do our daily reporting direct to CoCoRaHS USA, but there is a Canada contact who provide normal information as well as a supplies ordering depot, and in the Map and My Account settings it still shows Country as Canada but hadn't been informed that annexation was imminent :o
I looked how many reports I have done since 2006. Wow
YouTube Webinar on Data Explorer:
Greg H.
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