Weather Related Organizations > CoCoRaHS
New Climalytic TROPO gauge installed
I received and installed the new TROPO gauge yesterday. It looks good, and the accessories (brush and hand grip) are nice to have. I like the special features, like the tapered inner cylinder funnel, etc.
It is quite a bit longer and narrower than the original gauge.
I'll order spare outer cylinders and get the gram mass before the snow flies...
Greg H.
Since the Tropo gauge costs $100, or 2.5 times the cost of a stratus gauge, does it include washing your car for you on a monthly basis? Have you contacted the CoCoRaHS folks to get a new station ID that designates that your measurements are from a Tropo gauge instead of the stratus gauge? Obviously sarcasm in my first point but read somewhere that getting a new ID is desirable.
--- Quote from: WheatonRon on May 28, 2023, 10:19:48 AM ---Since the Tropo gauge costs $100, or 2.5 times the cost of a stratus gauge, does it include washing your car for you on a monthly basis? Have you contacted the CoCoRaHS folks to get a new station ID that designates that your measurements are from a Tropo gauge instead of the stratus gauge? Obviously sarcasm in my first point but read somewhere that getting a new ID is desirable.
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Hmmm.... I haven't heard anything regarding this. I did make a note in the comments today regarding the gauge change. I'll send a query to CoCoRaHS about it and see what they say.
I used to make a note regarding using the weighing method for snow and even suggested to CoCoRaHS to have a check box if that method was used. Nolan thought it was a good idea, but apparently the logistics for changing the database were an obstacle so it didn't happen. I suspect that the same issue would occur if there was a selection for gauge type/brand.
There is a comment in the current blog. "The Catch" article mentions the new gauge, but nothing regarding needing a new ID. Personally, I think that since the IDs are location based, it doesn't make sense to change it.
Greg H.
Cutty Sark Sailor:
You need to change nothing...
--- Quote from: miraculon on May 28, 2023, 08:34:08 AM ---I received and installed the new TROPO gauge yesterday. It looks good, and the accessories (brush and hand grip) are nice to have. I like the special features, like the tapered inner cylinder funnel, etc.
It is quite a bit longer and narrower than the original gauge.
I'll order spare outer cylinders and get the gram mass before the snow flies...
Greg H.
--- End quote ---
Just curious if you left your old coco up to compare readings.
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