Web Weather > Weather Web Cam Links
Hey I was wondering, with Bloomsky gone and I have no outdoor cam, what is the best NestCam to go with Wirelessly and under 200$?
If you can run an ethernet cable, I'd recommend a Power over Ethernet (PoE) camera. I summarized my installation here: https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=43546.msg443473#msg443473. It's a bit over $200 since I did my install in February because the IPTimelapse software is now $129 (was $79 when I bought it). At least the camera is down $10 to $46 on Amazon! I would've preferred wireless, but the thin Ethernet cable worked well even though I had to drill a hole in the side of my house to get the cable into the basement.
--- Quote from: weatherdoc on July 19, 2022, 05:34:51 PM ---If you can run an ethernet cable, I'd recommend a Power over Ethernet (PoE) camera. I summarized my installation here: https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=43546.msg443473#msg443473. It's a bit over $200 since I did my install in February because the IPTimelapse software is now $129 (was $79 when I bought it). At least the camera is down $10 to $46 on Amazon! I would've preferred wireless, but the thin Ethernet cable worked well even though I had to drill a hole in the side of my house to get the cable into the basement.
--- End quote ---
I might try this but I just want something simple and easy lol.
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