Web Weather > Useful Links
WXForum.net Discord server
Nothing stop you from open a dutch or french channel on discord if that would really be a problem.
Discord is pretty discouraging for the average users anyway so it's not that I expect that would be an useful tool for most people.
it's more a way to check the more nerdy people out and speed up the comunication with like minded people.
bedankt voor de feedback
I would say no need. we dont have that much traffic to justify it-free or not.
Garth Bock:
I tried it out and it's okay but I come from the days of chatrooms on AOL and CompuServe and black and white screens before mice clicking on icons were invented. Live chatting is good when discussing a problem rather than waiting for a response in a forum. During these days of isolation talking live would be good and might spur interest. However if there is only one room to talk in then if Davis, Accurate, etc. owners end up there...might be confusing. What would be nice is to be able to post a chat link which has an expiration time/date. Say you have a problem with your WMR 968. You could post a link to a chat for say 1900 utc on Saturday. That link would be set to expire at 0000. Anyone could join in on the discussion. Just an idea. However we are a small community so as far as usefulness...not really seeing it.
good for football games. Not weather forums.
Ok, let me keep this thread a bit alive.
Discords servers and real time chats are not for everybody.
They are a really scary and dangerous places.
We are a bunch of old guys and I can definetely see people not being able to manage the stress to deal with strong opinions and new topics and discussions.
Said that it's always great to have the opportunity to challenge yourself and step into a different bar and check the scene.
--- Quote from: chief-david on October 04, 2020, 11:05:33 PM ---good for football games. Not weather forums.
--- End quote ---
It's discord. You can open a football channel or your open your own football server if you think there is overlap between weather people and footballs people and you think would be an interesting place.
--- Quote from: Garth Bock on October 04, 2020, 10:39:50 PM ---I tried it out and it's okay but I come from the days of chatrooms on AOL and CompuServe and black and white screens before mice clicking on icons were invented. Live chatting is good when discussing a problem rather than waiting for a response in a forum. During these days of isolation talking live would be good and might spur interest. However if there is only one room to talk in then if Davis, Accurate, etc. owners end up there...might be confusing. What would be nice is to be able to post a chat link which has an expiration time/date. Say you have a problem with your WMR 968. You could post a link to a chat for say 1900 utc on Saturday. That link would be set to expire at 0000. Anyone could join in on the discussion. Just an idea. However we are a small community so as far as usefulness...not really seeing it.
--- End quote ---
Completely agree Garth.
Discord is particularly hard to understand and confuse even technical users.
Chats are usually a confuse s**t show and servers are managed by clueless folks.
I'm an old school geek too, I'm fundamentally a misanthrope and believe people as group are a bunch of idiots but I believe in individuals and small teams.
The idea would be to keep opening and closinging channels to filter out discussions and let whoever want add their contributions, 2 or 3 motivated users is all it need really. Most people are deadweight anyway.
Discord isn't perfect but they do a lot of things right.
Users can join without a client (web based) without a registration (if they don't want create and user) and have a decent set of admin tools.
Users can see the back log of every channel.
Users can create their own servers and start their own discussions.
I saw 2 brave people stepping in so far (Tige and you Garthbock) waiting for me to say something.
It's not how things works. Just be proactive, introduce yourself and throw your idea out.
Some communities are better and more receptive than others.
There is no rush, the server is there and internet isn't goin anywhere:
Server Link: https://discord.gg/JeZeb3X
There is no point in creating a bunch of "channels" (thats how Discord call a discussion) trying to guess people interests.
I'm ready to deploy an Ambient Weather dashboard app and I would like some testers and feedback:
Channel: https://discord.gg/kT97dEX
GW1000 seem a very hot topic and I recently purchased one:
Channel link: https://discord.gg/7yXwugw
WMR 968 discussion:
Channel link: https://discord.gg/jezk7QU
footballweather people:
channel link: https://discord.gg/UtHvvCe
Everybody stay safe and be nice
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