Miscellaneous Debris > Tech Corner
Do you have a Slooooow Windows "send to" Menu?
If you are like me and do not use the "Send to" menu in windows explorer. But find that sometimes you get stuck on it, when you right click on an file/folder, and then it delays your action/work while it is thinking. Here is a little registry hack that will remove it for you.
If you would like to remove the send to option from your right click menu do the following but first Export the value in the event you ever want to get it back.
Simply open the registry editor "regedit"
open the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" key
go way down to "AllFilesystemObjects"
then to "shellex"
then to "ContextMenuHandlers"
then to "Send To"
double click on the default value in the right hand colum and delete the text value there.
Your send to option will be gone.
As I have done I made do "exports" one to remove the "send to" menu option and one to restore it back to it's default.
I guess nobody has this issue, but me. :oops: :-(
When I read your post, I was hopeful your issue was the same as mine...
My problem is with screen re-writes where all the icons turn into a 'generic icon' then the screen re-writes and the normal icons return very slowly (10 seconds to a minute). I also see very slow updates when I open folders such as the 'my computer' folder where it takes longer than normal to display the folder contents. My 'send-to' options works well so far. (knock-knock)
I have wondered if WinXP SP3 is such a system hog that I need more memory but it really began before I went to SP3.
I noticed slower responses since SP3 as well. I noticed that after any major service packs that the computers in general get slower. I have a WIN XP machine at work with no service packs. It is not connected to a network. It is blazingly fast. Its processor and memory is much slower than some of our more "up to date" boxes that are network attached, but yet it is faster than them.
As far as your problem, do a google search about "windows XP icon cache refreshing" and see what you find.
Weather Display:
when you run a Mac (e.g the latest Intel Mac's) and OSX, its so responsive and fast compared to what windows is now, its not funny
I do have one issue on an older PC I have, running windows 2000
sometimes , when scrolling down through a folder with alot of files showing, using the scroll bar on the right hand side, windows locks up...with the HD going all the time....needs a power off to fix....anway come across that before? (has been drefragged)
might be a HD problem maybe? (FAT table?)
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