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Agricultral things supported by PWS
I have been looking at my station and while the weather is not my be all, presenting useful and valid data is.
I live in a area of forestry and dairy production. That makes Fire Weather important and for the diary guys I have been thinking I need to get into Growing days (targeted against the feed crops they grow) along with Evapotranspiration for pasture growth and irrigation purposes.
Any one gone down this path and able to provide insight?
I am thinking along the line that as a micro climate of a limited size and no official obersvation sites my data may be applicable to a reasonable area.
I have been running compariisions with several other local stations and the results indicate the main variable seems to be elevation as to the conditions we experiance.
The company I work for is the largest dairy farmer in the area, simply because it is also the largest forestry company and have reclaimed a lot of good land for dairy from forestry. I am looking for a sponsorship deal to assist paying for me to get into a top line Davis station to support this activity and obviously the comapny I work for is not a starter as it would be a conflict of interest. Any body had any experiance of stirring up sponorship for a PWS?
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