Miscellaneous Debris > Tech Corner

How 'bout a Tech Corner?


Since we seem to be drifting away from WX only, how about making better use of the bandwidth than some of the silliness out there?

We seem to have some techie oriented folks, so what about a new section on technical issues and questions about PCs or other devices?


First question;

Is it possible to edit the text or symbol/icon a given program displays on the Taskbar?  Or does that get into decompiling/compiling?

I think that's a great idea. Technical problems, ideas, and solutions located in a central location. =D> A centrally located area would minimize overlooking something that you may otherwise miss because of it's posted location.

As far as being able to edit icons/text in the tasklbar goes. An icon that's displayed in the taskbar usually is available somewhere else like WuHu for example. If you right click on WuHu's desktop icon there are options to change the icon and edit the displayed text (name) in there. When it's reloaded into the taskbar the new changes are displayed. Is this what you mean?


I started the weather hobby as an escape from my tech career.#-o ](*,) It can be difficult to stay on topic and avoid these discussions while posting. A dedicated section may be the answer. Being new here, this is probably a decision best left to the forum elders... who seem very quiet today.


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