General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Weather in TV & Movies
Space Station Live
At 9:00PM on Wednesday the Science Channel will have the Space Station Live in HD. Should be some awesome shots of the earth for those that have HD.
--- Quote from: "ocala" ---At 9:00PM on Wednesday the Science Channel will have the Space Station Live in HD. Should be some awesome shots of the earth for those that have HD.
--- End quote ---
FWIW, the 9 PM EST showing is supposed to be a repeat. The live broadcast is 11:30 AM EST/8:30 AM PST. I'm planning on cutting work. :-)
This URL should work:
I watched the live show this morning. It was a little disappointing. It was only a half hour long, and the first 10 minutes were the "host" Robert Hager (who I never really cared for), talking about some history and showing some clips.
The actual space station segment was just OK. It was a short tour of part of the station by one astronaut, while another manned the camera. They must have been using several hops through geosync satellites for the uplink/downlink, because the delay from Hager talking to the astronaut, to hearing Hager's voice come back from the ISS was almost 2 seconds. (Hager blamed the delay on the station's 215 mile altitude, which was incorrect.)
There was the obligatory demostration with a ball of liquid in microgravity, and only one short shot out the window as they passed over eastern Africa.
While the picture was pretty good in HD, and there were no breakups in transmission during the broadcast, the HD imager in the camera showed some abuse. There were a dozen or so blown or burned pixel areas on the image that, on my 42" plasma, were about as large in diameter as a pencil eraser.
Sorry to hear that. I would have thought the earth shots would have been top priority. Maybe they'll get enough feedback to do it right next time.
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