Weather Station Hardware > LaCrosse Technologies/Hyundai

SkySpy Software

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I've got it updating WeatherUnderground!!! 

But something is still weird almost beyond description with my SkySpy.ini file.   If I open it with Notepad I'm looking at one file - and if I open it with VI I'm looking at another file.  If I update it through SpySkyMonitor the VI file gets updated - but the Notepad version does not.

If I copy the .ini file to another folder the wave function collapses and that new file is the Notepad version whether I open it with Notepad or VI.  I am considering consulting an exorcist - but as always any tips from developers and users are most appreciated.

Bottom line - when I edit the file by hand using Notepad it uploads to WeatherUnderground and all is happy.


--- Quote from: spork on January 20, 2015, 02:43:41 AM ---But something is still weird almost beyond description with my SkySpy.ini file.   If I open it with Notepad I'm looking at one file - and if I open it with VI I'm looking at another file.  If I update it through SpySkyMonitor the VI file gets updated - but the Notepad version does not.

If I copy the .ini file to another folder the wave function collapses and that new file is the Notepad version whether I open it with Notepad or VI.  I am considering consulting an exorcist - but as always any tips from developers and users are most appreciated.

Bottom line - when I edit the file by hand using Notepad it uploads to WeatherUnderground and all is happy.

--- End quote ---
Could be a CRLF vs LF issue. Perhaps VI is terminating lines (converting them?) to Unix format (just LF), whereas Notepad is terminating (converting?) to DOS format (CRLF). There is likely a setting in VI to leave it alone, or leave it as DOS format.

I don't think it's a CR/LF vs. LF issue because the file is formatted fine in both editors.  But it has different parameters in each.  It's very much like the two editors are simply looking at two different copies of the file. 

I found and fixed some problems with the SkySpy.ini file handler that caused corruption and inadvertent erasing of settings.

I am close to a new release that has loads of reliability fixes plus.... Alerts!

I have it chugging away here sending me Emails/SMS Texts when weather conditions go outside limits I set in ssMonitor. 

SMS Texting is only available through your phone carrier's email port by using an email address something like where 3605551212 is your mobile number.  Don't click the link - it is a fake number.

In the next version I have removed support for external MySQL databases. It was a support nightmare.  SkySpy now uses the embedded database only.  You can still retrieve your weather data from Wunderground.

I hope to have a beta ready sometime in the next week.

Here is the new layout for the Alert Settings page in ssMonitor.  You can set alarm limits and also how often you want to be Texted/Emailed when bad weather hits:

And a typical SMS weather alert message:

You're our hero!  Thanks.

By the way - I have had the menus go wonky on me a few times.  The first time it happened I figured I must have done something screwy.  But I'm starting to think I haven't caused it every time.  Is it possible this is related to the .ini file too?


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