Miscellaneous Debris > For Sale/Wanted

Disaster Supplies, hand-picked by survival and weather enthusiast


Please come check out our new website, www.4disasterprep.com.  We've worked very hard to create a legitimate source for disaster supply kits and materials. 

Living in a prime hurricane spot, I've often thought about creating a "go bag", and creating a kit to keep in the car... I do pull together some basics once we get into "the season"...

Great post to get us thinking and talking about survival gear...

Perhaps one of the premier sites for survival information is: http://www.equipped.com/ , loads of good info there...

And, one of the most interesting things I've seen on tv in a while along these lines is a plastic liner/bag that fits in a bath tub. It has a self contained "spout" if you will, that lets you fill it up from the tub faucet with potable water. IIRC, it also has a pump that goes in the same spout so you can dispense the water... sooo much better than filling 1 gallon containers...

<edit> darn, I guess with no location showing under the member name, my reference in the first sentence has no context...

Wilmington, NC

Great web site.


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