Weather Station Hardware > AcuRite Weather Stations

Good Choice?

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Hi All,

New member here. I was wondering if the new AcuRite weather stations (This one) would be good for what I am trying to do.

I am looking to position 4 sensors around a nearby lake, to provide more accurate forecasting for the water. The area forecasts are often inaccurate and some people travel to fish or enjoy it's other resources. Most important data would be wind, tempature and pressure.

Would I need a station for each location, or would I be able to have one station, and sensors and a wireless internet bridge for each of the other "non-main" station?

Is this data easily broadcasted to an external website? I would like to have one website, that shows the data for the four stations or sensors.

Is the station itself solar powered, or will batteries need to be changed? I am finding differing information.

Thanks for the help in advance. I appreciate it.

One thing to consider is that unless the lake is small (really small!) you will have to find a way to amplify the signal to get it back to home base.


The lake is pretty big.  :-) So, I would need a complete station for each location then? Correct?

It would really help us help you if we had more detail. :)

"Pretty big" is still nebulous. Do you know the acreage/square miles? Got a lat/lon, or lake name and state we can look at with Google earth?

Will the 4 stations have any access to AC power or internet? What's the climate like? Do you want to measure water temperature as well?

I'm doing a similar setup on a 350 acre ranch in along the central California coast with 5 Davis stations. The expertise is here, but we need more info.



--- Quote from: SLOweather on September 13, 2011, 11:35:23 AM ---It would really help us help you if we had more detail. :)

"Pretty big" is still nebulous. Do you know the acreage/square miles? Got a lat/lon, or lake name and state we can look at with Google earth?

Will the 4 stations have any access to AC power or internet? What's the climate like? Do you want to measure water temperature as well?

I'm doing a similar setup on a 350 acre ranch in along the central California coast with 5 Davis stations. The expertise is here, but we need more info.


--- End quote ---

Ok, it's 30 miles, by 10 miles. 137,000 acres. It's one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the country, I believe. The lake is developed all around, so power/internet wouldn't be an issue.

The climate? Well, it depends on the day. I live in WI, it was 85 yesterday, and they are calling for a high of 58 tomorrow.

I would love to use Davis stations, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get that kind of funding. Water temperature would be nice, but the lake does freeze, so anything that floats would be out.

Any other information you need to know, just ask. I enjoy the weather, but am a total noob when it comes to stations and what not.

I guess I may have posted this in the wrong forum? Could I get a mod to move it?


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