Weather Station Hardware > AcuRite Weather Stations

01015 and secondary receiving station


I would really like a second receiver that has time as well as indoor and outdoor temp & humidity. Is one available? If not, how much is a  receiver that comes with the 01015 if they are sold separately?

Well, I saw the post about the 75077. Will this unit "see" the 01015 outdoor sensor and get the temp?

Hey there- you can purchase Additional displays from our website, here is the link:

Just curious, where will you place both displays?

I have 2 displays connected to a 5in1 sensor as well- one is in the living room and one is in my office.



--- Quote from: Rhino on September 04, 2011, 01:13:31 AM ---Hey there- you can purchase Additional displays from our website, here is the link:

Just curious, where will you place both displays?

I have 2 displays connected to a 5in1 sensor as well- one is in the living room and one is in my office.


--- End quote ---

The 01015 is in the kitchen. It replaced a standalone indoor/outdoor display (also accurite) which was moved to the master bath. I have that monitor which is starting to have issues along with an atomic clock. I'd like to have time and temp in 1 device. Thus my second post and question above:

Will a 75077 "see" the 01015 outdoor sensor and get the temp?

No, a 75077 has a smaller temperature sensor packaged with it, it will not receive data from the 5n1 sensor.


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