Web Weather > Weather Web Cam Links

Saratoga, California webcam

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Main screen at http://saratoga-weather.org/netcam.php

Also uploading time-lapse to WeatherUnderground but been having a bit of difficulty with ImageSalsa 2 keeping pushing the image.

The WU webcams were really slow yesterday with ver 1.9 also...

Generally speaking, the WU uploads don't work very well.  Even though the WU FTP server says a file was received - sometimes it takes an hour to see the image on WU.  Also, WU shows my image as hours old on the main webcam page; however, if you click the image, its only 5 minutes old?!?  I don't think they have the processing power necessary to handle all of their webcam uploads.

The problem might be the file size. There's a 150K limit. I'm running into this as well and in looking at the file locally the times when I'm not seeing my image updating are all over the 150K limit.

EDIT: Meant to add that the files appear to upload ok. There's no error message if the file size is too big. It just gets discarded from what I can tell.

I think mine were 75K.


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