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Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2023, 11:34:56 AM »

 Thanks guys, sorry about the video, i had it set to private, its now set to unlisted so it should work...

I have been trying to get the camera to run in WD as a second webcam but Brian only installed the evaluation SDK for IP cameras but at $950 i can understand why lol, else that would have been better having just the one program doing the work, however, i can get WD to use the image.jpg, i did have a quick go earlier and whilst it showed the image.jpg, it wasnt updating in the view box. I may revisit that idea after the snow season.

Thanks for the settings, i see that the quality is set quite low for you 92merc, i too adjusted mine to minimum earlier, which should help with the encoding side of things, I've not really checked to see how long that takes for the hourly one, I wont be using the streaming side of things, shame but i don't have the room for setting up another lappy (which i have but thats mainly for my car's service software) and i don't want to use this lappy (old i7, 16gb, 2x 1tb SSD and 2x GPU) as its my main machine, plus then there's the added expense in electric running 2, the prices are crippling at present :(

The good thing is, that I have found a way to extend WD's crash watchdog, so thats now set to 5 mines as opposed to 1 and i may even extend it to 10 yet. At least thats that sorted, but what i have realised is that I cannot run 2 instances of IPT else the lappy will be at 100% CPU most of the time so that means i cant have 2 Reolink (IP) cameras running, so now I'm looking at upgrading this Pro 9000 webcam, i want better nighttime images and i like Reolinks night images, not sure if i mentioned that i have the E1 Zoom, thats setup in the front room looking out the window, and having my door light set to 10% gives enough light to greatly improve the night images without having to have the IR turned on, sadly this new E1 Outdoor doesn't appear to be the same even though its the exact camera but for outside, but it does not have HDR like the E1 Zoom, weird but there ya go, it will be good enough for the snow cam, if we get any, wishful thinking lol

Anyhoo, enough waffling, I found that my single image.jpg updates every few seconds but takes its time getting on my weather server (in France i think lol), it takes around 13 seconds all in, i can live with that, just need to figure out a way for it to update for each new upload. I know how to set the whole page to refresh lol thanks again for your help and patience :)
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Offline Mapantz

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2023, 05:58:56 PM »
I used to do a 24 hour timelapse very single day, Starting at midnight, ending at 11:53. I was using either a Foscam or a Reolink camera for the images.

It would take my machine about 1 minute 40 seconds to process nearly 6000 images in to a 2m 30s 1080p video. Each image would be between 40 and 70kb, depending on details during the day and night.

I decided I didn't want to keep my main machine on 24/7 any more, as it can consume 400 - 500W under load. Due to energy costs, I couldn't do it any longer.

I've since moved over to an 8MP / 4K Hikvision camera with brilliant low-light imagery, so I moved IPTimelapse over to my mini-pc, just to scrape an image every 60 seconds, and upload it to my server, so that I can provide all third-party weather sites with a decent webcam image. I also have the full 4K RTSP feed on my website.

Unfortunately, I will not being doing timelapse's with it, as each saved image is between 4 and 7MB in size. It would either take far too long to process on my mini-pc, or it would shutdown due to reaching the max TDP on the CPU for too long.

I think IPTimelapse uses ffmpeg to do the encoding, that's why it is CPU intense at anything over 720p.

I recently got a rollocking from my hosting company, as I uploaded several 4K videos to my Lychee gallery software. It used ffmpeg to encode it, and I later found out that it maxed out all of my resources and caused some issues for other users on the shared host. lol
« Last Edit: December 19, 2023, 06:01:37 PM by Mapantz »

Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2023, 08:32:49 PM »
I used to do a 24 hour timelapse very single day, Starting at midnight, ending at 11:53. I was using either a Foscam or a Reolink camera for the images.

It would take my machine about 1 minute 40 seconds to process nearly 6000 images in to a 2m 30s 1080p video. Each image would be between 40 and 70kb, depending on details during the day and night.

I decided I didn't want to keep my main machine on 24/7 any more, as it can consume 400 - 500W under load. Due to energy costs, I couldn't do it any longer.

I've since moved over to an 8MP / 4K Hikvision camera with brilliant low-light imagery, so I moved IPTimelapse over to my mini-pc, just to scrape an image every 60 seconds, and upload it to my server, so that I can provide all third-party weather sites with a decent webcam image. I also have the full 4K RTSP feed on my website.

Unfortunately, I will not being doing timelapse's with it, as each saved image is between 4 and 7MB in size. It would either take far too long to process on my mini-pc, or it would shutdown due to reaching the max TDP on the CPU for too long.

I think IPTimelapse uses ffmpeg to do the encoding, that's why it is CPU intense at anything over 720p.

I recently got a rollocking from my hosting company, as I uploaded several 4K videos to my Lychee gallery software. It used ffmpeg to encode it, and I later found out that it maxed out all of my resources and caused some issues for other users on the shared host. lol

Hi, thanks for the reply,

Thats the main reason i stopped using a PC for dedicated weather machine and started using a laptop, whilst things tend to be a tad slower, its only using max 54w and at minimum around 37w, its so much cheaper to run than my PC, in fact, the latter is sat in a corner somewhere, I've not used it for about 4 years now, even my video processing (Adobe Premiere) is all done on my main lappy.

I have since returned the Reolink, it kept flickering every 1 to 2 seconds at night, its as though the ISO couldn't figure out what it wanted to do. it was worse when pointed at the sky but hardly noticeable when pointed at the table thats a few feet from it and some what noticeable when pointed at the garden as a whole, therefore, the lower the light for the image the worse it got. You can see the issue below...

I think i also got the dreaded CPU issue too as a few times when i looked at the machine IPT had either stopped or shutdown, i think it was the former, i cant quite remember now, i could have lowered the settings more to try to get around that though if it wasn't for he night issue.

Thats one of the main issues with shared hosting, its the limited resources, youre pretty much fine as a standard website, anything over that and they try to upsell, thats one of the reasons i have used a dedicated server since 2007, while tits more expensive, i cant pretty much do what i want, i.e. upload every 3 seconds, no limits on upload sizes, I'm only limited by my HDD space. 2tb, server specs...

Specs Intel i5-750 - 16GB DDR3 1333 MHz - 2Tb SATA, i think its only on a 10/100mb connection but its only about £23 a month including unlimited accounts WHM cPanel, about £17 excluding unlimited WHM cPanel, although, it used to be (at the time) over $50 just for 100 accounts cPanel, for me, its well worth it.

As for the camera, i may try the 2k Tapo, the ws version is supposed to have a starlight sensor but doesn't have a zoom so i wouldnt be able to zoom in on the snow gauge or just stick with a rubbish indoor Tapo i already have and use an overly for the gauge measurements, it would be far less resources needed as the image size isn't anywhere near the Reolink that got shipped back. This is all under the assumption that we will even get any snow this year, when little we had for the last few years it wouldnt even register on the gauge lol

Anyhoo, thanks again for the reply :)
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Offline Mapantz

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2023, 08:43:06 PM »
I literally just logged in to my camera and caught one of the best meteor's I've seen this year flying right almost horizontally across the sky.

Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2023, 08:57:14 PM »
I literally just logged in to my camera and caught one of the best meteor's I've seen this year flying right almost horizontally across the sky.

Ha, cool, your camera has a nice noise-free image.
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Offline 92merc

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2023, 09:39:45 AM »
Since the topic of resources is on the menu, I thought I would describe what I have going on.  Maybe give someone else some ideas.

I have ReoLink Duo2 and IPTL.  The picture files are 218 K  a piece.  I have about 22,000 pictures in the daily folder every day.  Pictures taken every 3 seconds.  Those pictures are 4608x1729 full resolution.

I'm running a Dell Precision 3240 compact PC.  It is an Intel i5-10500 CPU, and 16 Gig of RAM.

If you get a more recent Intel processor, IPTL has a checkbox that you can utilize the Intel GPU for daily timelapse video processing.  It takes about 6 minutes for my PC to generate the video.  That stops my main processor from pegging out.  Since the GPU is integrated in the CPU package, I'm sure it warms up.  But it doesn't look like it ever temperature throttles.  But this only works on Intel GPU's.

I set my daily timelapse video to begin 10 minutes before sunrise and stop 20 minutes after sunset.  All videos are 150 seconds (2:30) long.  So IPTL automatically changes the framerate to match the length of the day.  So right now the video covers a bit over 8 hours of sun, vs. the summer is close to 16 hours of sun.

I have dual SSD drives mirrored in case of a failure.  I run the actual software on those drives.  Cumulus, WD, IPTL.  But SSD's have a failure rate if you're constantly writing files to it.  I'm guessing 20k pictures a day will do that.  So I have an external USB drive where all of my IPTL files and videos are written to.  I picked up a second USB drive and replicate that at night in case one fails.  I was buying the "cheap" 2.5" external spinner drives.  But I've now had 2 fail since running IPTL.  Not sure if it's bad luck, or even those cheap spinner drives can't handle it.  So I'm rigging up an external NAS drive that should be able to handle the constant writing.  The second backup drive I used an old 512 Gig SATA SSD in one of the failed cases.  Since that is a once a day write, I'm hoping that can handle it.  Otherwise I'll put a second NAS drive in.

The other reason I use an external drive is that I run my own web server on my weather PC.  I'm using NGINX for Windows.  That's how I'm serving up my pictures and nightly video to my website.

I'm using a NO-IP service for a dynamic host name.  Then a small NO-IP software keeps that name up to date with my dynamic IP.  Then to make the site look legit under my main site name, I have an entry in GoDaddy DNS.  I have entered a CNAME of that points to my NO-IP DNS name.  And that's how I take a not so legit looking DNS name and hook it to my site.

Since I'm also using Let's Encrypt certs on my main site, I can use that same cert on my NGINX site for HTTPS. 

So here's the run down of the process.  IPTL takes a picture and puts it on my spinner drive every 3 seconds.  On my webcam page, I have PHP code that re-loads that picture every 3 seconds from my weather computer.  This way, I'm only using bandwidth when someone is looking at my webcam vs. uploading pictures to my site.  That upload would consume a lot of bandwidth I don't really need to spend.  Then in another folder on my NGINX, I have the nightly IPTL video file made at 11:30 and put on the weather computer as well.  So by 11:40, you could see the video on my site.

Manually every morning, I'm uploading the nightly video to both YouTube and TikTok.  Unfortunately, there isn't currently anyway for me to automate that upload that isn't some ugly approval process by YT.  Yeah, I know some people may not like TikTok, but it generates more views than my YT site.

But on my hard drive, I keep 20 days of pictures, and 20 days of videos.  So IPTL keeps that cleaned out for me.  And I can go back and get files if I need them.

One other project I'm working on is I'm taking the picture that was 10 minutes before sunset and putting that into a folder.  After a year, I'm going to make a special timelapse of every sunset for a year.  That should be interesting seeing the sun set point move across the sky through the year.

So that's basically my setup...
Davis VP2, Cumulus, WeatherDisplay, Blitzortung, Saratoga Scripts, NOAA Stream via PI

Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2023, 10:49:25 PM »
Hi, thanks for the info, i am surprised ya don't get confused by all that lol.
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Offline 92merc

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2023, 08:41:08 AM »
I work in IT, so I'm used to it.   [tup]

You should see how many ways I have my weather computer backed up.

Dual OS drives mirrored in case of an OS hard drive failure.  That's where WD and Cumulus are both running.

Dual external drives for my website and IPTL pictures.  Those replicate twice a day to the secondary drive.

I have two scripts that run every night.  One for WD, one for Cumulus.  Both take the contents of the folders, zip them up, and upload them to a backup folder on my Godaddy site.  Those Zip files are also replicated to the external drives.

I also have a Synology NAS box.  That backs up my WD, Cumulus, and website data live.  So every few seconds, the live data from each weather program goes to the NAS box.

Weekly, Synology has a full backup option.  That backs up the whole weather PC to my NAS.  So if my mirror drives every lost its configuration or something, I can restore it to that point.  Then use the "live" data and restore that back to within seconds of the outage.

My NAS box is replicating all the "important" data to my Microsoft OneDrive account, encrypted of course.

In case my NAS box is ever ransomware attacked, it has an external USB drive it replicate the data to, encrypted, weekly.

I also have another external USB hard drive at work as my offsite storage in case the house is destroyed.  I do that every few months.  Encrypted of course.
Davis VP2, Cumulus, WeatherDisplay, Blitzortung, Saratoga Scripts, NOAA Stream via PI

Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2023, 10:31:01 AM »
I work in IT, so I'm used to it.   [tup]

You should see how many ways I have my weather computer backed up.

Dual OS drives mirrored in case of an OS hard drive failure.  That's where WD and Cumulus are both running.

Dual external drives for my website and IPTL pictures.  Those replicate twice a day to the secondary drive.

I have two scripts that run every night.  One for WD, one for Cumulus.  Both take the contents of the folders, zip them up, and upload them to a backup folder on my Godaddy site.  Those Zip files are also replicated to the external drives.

I also have a Synology NAS box.  That backs up my WD, Cumulus, and website data live.  So every few seconds, the live data from each weather program goes to the NAS box.

Weekly, Synology has a full backup option.  That backs up the whole weather PC to my NAS.  So if my mirror drives every lost its configuration or something, I can restore it to that point.  Then use the "live" data and restore that back to within seconds of the outage.

My NAS box is replicating all the "important" data to my Microsoft OneDrive account, encrypted of course.

In case my NAS box is ever ransomware attacked, it has an external USB drive it replicate the data to, encrypted, weekly.

I also have another external USB hard drive at work as my offsite storage in case the house is destroyed.  I do that every few months.  Encrypted of course.

I thought i was bad, i have WD backed up to 2 drives, my own server in France and GDrive, i pay for the space on google
I also backup my front reolink to my server, i think its supposed to delete older folders but i have to do that manually and when i remember or get a space notification lol, i think i only set it to 100gb, thats ample for a months worth.
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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2024, 07:49:18 AM »
Back again, i not have the camera setup ready for snow, i was hoping to use it for a better night image but due to having little to no light to the north, i don't see the clouds, therefore, i am thinking about setting another camera on the mast pointing towards the small town, my indoor reolink E1 Zoom pointing that way for the drive sees the clouds and the stars, i mean, its the exact same camera that i am using for the outside E1 Outdoor, i am thinking perhaps the RLC-811A, what it be ok out in the open? just toying with the idea at present.

The next question is, if i get a poe switch, as i only have 1 ethernet port on my mesh disk, does that mean 2 cameras would work at the same time with the switch?
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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2024, 08:20:57 AM »
My next camera will likely be the RLC-811A since it is 4K (3840 x 2160 pixels with a 16x9 aspect ratio) and my current RLC-510A is 5MP (2560 x 1920 pixels with a 4x3 aspect ratio). I usually wait for hardware to fail before replacing it, but for the better resolution, I might replace my 510 before it kicks the bucket.

I think two cameras will work with your setup. Although I haven't tried it, my 4-port PoE switch would assign an IP address to each device which would then be sent to my main Ethernet switch.

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2024, 10:43:09 AM »
My next camera will likely be the RLC-811A since it is 4K (3840 x 2160 pixels with a 16x9 aspect ratio) and my current RLC-510A is 5MP (2560 x 1920 pixels with a 4x3 aspect ratio). I usually wait for hardware to fail before replacing it, but for the better resolution, I might replace my 510 before it kicks the bucket.

I think two cameras will work with your setup. Although I haven't tried it, my 4-port PoE switch would assign an IP address to each device which would then be sent to my main Ethernet switch.

Thank you, it does seem like a decent camera, I wont need another none poe switch will i?
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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2024, 12:10:32 PM »
No, if you have a free port on your non-poe switch, just plug the poe switch into that free port and you should be good to go.

Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2024, 12:23:45 PM »
No, if you have a free port on your non-poe switch, just plug the poe switch into that free port and you should be good to go.

Thank you, much appreciated :)
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Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2024, 10:39:15 AM »
I have ReoLink Duo2 and IPTL.  The picture files are 218 K  a piece.  I have about 22,000 pictures in the daily folder every day.  Pictures taken every 3 seconds.  Those pictures are 4608x1729 full resolution.

I have just realised, your camera is h.265, is that right? if so then this will greatly help as its the image/video sizes are greatly reduced, this affords you to utilise the the potential of the camera without the compromise in system resources. One thing that does let it down is the noticeable difference in maybe the ISO between the 2 lenses leaving a line between the 2.

My next camera will be .h265, POE and mounted on the mast so that it can point towards an area of low light, this E1 Outdoor is great for stars though, but not great for picking up night clouds due to it being quite dark in direction toward the mast (North). I can improve it by upping the shadows and brightness (thats all there is on this camera) but then it becomes quite noisey. I do prefer the advanced image settings on my E1 Zoom, that has much more control over the image, such as the exposure and shutter gains sliders, the backlight can be set to HDR with slider adjustment and 3DR noise reduction, I have complained about this but the said customer prefer the other way, yeah right, im sure they prefer less control. Anyway, its not going to be just yet, need to recover from paying for that camera and the DJI action 4  lol this kayaking lark is a dear do...
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Offline 92merc

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2024, 12:50:28 PM »
I just looked up the specs of my Duo2.  It is indeed H265.  But when I go into the camera settings, I can only choose resolution, frame rate, max bitrate and i-frame interval.  I can't switch to H.264.

I think most of the difference in the two halves of the picture are more due to the lenses not pointing in the same direction.   So the light will never hit both lenses the same, resulting in the auto contrast not behaving the same way.  When the sun is more direct on to both lenses, you can't really see the difference.

Also, I'm sure due to manufacturing differences in the optical sensor, you'll never get two exactly the same.  At least not at this price point.  I'm sure if JPL made the camera sensors, they'd make it work, on a NASA budget.

It's noticeable, but it doesn't bother me.  Overall, I'll take that bit of a difference as long as the camera stays reliable.
Davis VP2, Cumulus, WeatherDisplay, Blitzortung, Saratoga Scripts, NOAA Stream via PI

Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2024, 01:03:52 PM »
I just looked up the specs of my Duo2.  It is indeed H265.  But when I go into the camera settings, I can only choose resolution, frame rate, max bitrate and i-frame interval.  I can't switch to H.264.

I think most of the difference in the two halves of the picture are more due to the lenses not pointing in the same direction.   So the light will never hit both lenses the same, resulting in the auto contrast not behaving the same way.  When the sun is more direct on to both lenses, you can't really see the difference.

Also, I'm sure due to manufacturing differences in the optical sensor, you'll never get two exactly the same.  At least not at this price point.  I'm sure if JPL made the camera sensors, they'd make it work, on a NASA budget.

It's noticeable, but it doesn't bother me.  Overall, I'll take that bit of a difference as long as the camera stays reliable.

You wouldnt want to switch to .h264 anyway, it would increase the file size a decent amount I think the quality may be affected too, although, I'm not sure on the quality.

You're 100% on the 2 pointing in different directions, actually, I don't think it's the iso, I reckon it's the white balance that changes automatically, if you could manually set that for each then it should be spot on, but then you would probably have to keep adjusting it for cloudy, sunny etc so not worth the hassle and as you say, its not over baring and can be lived with.

I find the ethernet far more reliable than the wifi, I have one in each, so I can imagine that the poe is spot on.

I just hope that put one on the mast will manage the weather ok
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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2024, 01:10:29 PM »
What concerns me is the "working environment" temperature.  Their specs state 14 F above zero, to 131 F.  I'm not too concerned about the 131, as record temp in North Dakota is 121.  I suppose above an asphalt shingle roof, it can get up there.

But last night, we hit -28.7 F.  So yeah, wayyyy below operating specs.  I'm just hoping those frigid temps don't eventually kill the camera.  These temps happen once or twice a typical year for ND.

Usually high temps tend to kill electronics.  I'm hoping as long as the camera is powered on and stays dry internally, it'll be OK.  But if any moisture gets inside, I'm sure it'll turn to frost or ice and kill something.
Davis VP2, Cumulus, WeatherDisplay, Blitzortung, Saratoga Scripts, NOAA Stream via PI

Offline Bashy

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2024, 01:23:22 PM »
What concerns me is the "working environment" temperature.  Their specs state 14 F above zero, to 131 F.  I'm not too concerned about the 131, as record temp in North Dakota is 121.  I suppose above an asphalt shingle roof, it can get up there.

But last night, we hit -28.7 F.  So yeah, wayyyy below operating specs.  I'm just hoping those frigid temps don't eventually kill the camera.  These temps happen once or twice a typical year for ND.

Usually high temps tend to kill electronics.  I'm hoping as long as the camera is powered on and stays dry internally, it'll be OK.  But if any moisture gets inside, I'm sure it'll turn to frost or ice and kill something.

Wow, that is cold, we rarely see -10C, typical is prob 0 to -6C like this week coming, The cameras generate a little heat so that helps, but lie you say, once any moisture gets in there, ya might as well buy a new one. Manufacturer specs are pretty much a guide anyway, you can probably add 5 to it.

Here's a thought, I've just bought the DJI Action 4, EU temp specs are different to countries outside the EU, that's cause the EU had to stick the nose in, so what happens is, the camera will shut down when it reaches a certain temp far sooner than it would anywhere else, I belive there is a hack that you put on the Sd card to get around it, Its only an issue if you use the camera in situ like in a car. Just thought. I'd mention it see as we got on to temps 😁

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Offline Mapantz

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2024, 06:12:37 PM »
I've decided to start creating timelapses again, but I am experimenting with settings. I want get a clear video at 2K with as little pixelation as possible and to have a smooth animate between each frame. Does anyone have some recommendations on settings?

Also, I am currently uploading 1 image per minute to my server. I want to continue that, but I also wanted to capture local images at a faster rate so that timelapses look better.

I saw this on the features list:

– Capture at one rate say every 5 seconds and upload at a slower rate say every 2 minutes thereby preserving upload bandwidth while creating an image archive for a smooth timelapse video.

That's exactly what I am looking for, but unsure of what I am looking at in the settings..

If I set to capture an image every 10 seconds, do I then select "Upload every 6 captures" ?


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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #45 on: March 31, 2024, 12:09:15 PM »
I went a different direction.  Instead of uploading the pictures, I have the local storage folder being served up by NGINX webserver running on my weather computer.  Then the image from my website is actually loaded from my home PC.  So I'm not using up bandwidth unless someone is looking at my pictures.

I have IPTL set to take a picture every 3 seconds.  That makes for a nice smooth video.  My images are 4608x1728, the native size on my Reolink.  But I have my video made at  1920x1080.  And even then YouTube downgrades that after I upload it.

The only caveat is I wouldn't recommend using an NVME drive for the image storage.  I come in at 23k pictures a day.  That'll wear out a NVME drive sooner than you'd probably like.  They have a mean number of writes before the drive will fail.  So I built my self a new PC.  One with NVME OS/application drives.  And a secondary spinner drive for all those pictures.
Davis VP2, Cumulus, WeatherDisplay, Blitzortung, Saratoga Scripts, NOAA Stream via PI

Offline Mapantz

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #46 on: March 31, 2024, 01:26:10 PM »
All of the pictures snapped aren't being uploaded, only 1 per minute, which gets overwritten. That's for various third-party sites that show my webcam image. The actual timelapse images are stored on a local drive. Timelapses will also be uploaded to my server, not social media.

I'm not bothered about NVME life. The one in use has 600TBW, that'll last years. They are also cheap as chips to buy, should anything go wrong.

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #47 on: March 31, 2024, 01:36:53 PM »
I did a test run of 3100 images:

It took 5 minutes, poor mini pc was at 95% CPU.

Offline 92merc

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #48 on: March 31, 2024, 02:14:57 PM »
I'm running a standard i5-14500 65 watt processor, 32 GB RAM, integrated graphics.  I have 2 GUI's setup in IPTL.  One that takes the pictures every 3 seconds, plus puts the WD weather data on.  The second GUI runs about 30 minutes after sunset to make my nightly video.  I'm not doing any uploads.

I'm only running 3-6% CPU for IPTL.  On my previous i5-10500, I think it was running about 10-12% CPU.  I haven't actually watched the new PC CPU during video creation at night.  I don't think CPU spikes much at all since I have Intel option enabled in IPTL.
Davis VP2, Cumulus, WeatherDisplay, Blitzortung, Saratoga Scripts, NOAA Stream via PI

Offline Mapantz

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Re: Time lapse options please?
« Reply #49 on: March 31, 2024, 02:21:11 PM »
I'm running a standard i5-14500 65 watt processor, 32 GB RAM, integrated graphics.  I have 2 GUI's setup in IPTL.  One that takes the pictures every 3 seconds, plus puts the WD weather data on.  The second GUI runs about 30 minutes after sunset to make my nightly video.  I'm not doing any uploads.

I'm only running 3-6% CPU for IPTL.  On my previous i5-10500, I think it was running about 10-12% CPU.  I haven't actually watched the new PC CPU during video creation at night.  I don't think CPU spikes much at all since I have Intel option enabled in IPTL.

What are your settings though?

When I had IPTimelapse on my main machine (i5 13600K) it would still use 70% CPU, as I have the settings high to get a clean video.

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