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The 6313AU is now deteriorating rapidly since the initial 'event' two days ago.

Packets of data uploaded to WeatherLink are missing everywhere and sometimes for well over half an hour at a time. Reception is at 2% and RSSI has dropped to -83. The WeatherLink Live sitting near it is showing reception of 100% and RSSI of -68 for comparison. (these figures are pretty much what the console used to display)

R reset and P reset have achieved nothing and now it won't even display ISS wind, temperature or humidity. I'm starting to think the radio module is giving out?

I might try a full factory reset soon but I'm not holding my breath for any improvement...



Hi Everyone,

For the sake of members both new and old reading this thread, I thought I might share and update my progress with resolving the issues with my 6313AU WeatherLink Console I've been experiencing since the 2nd of August.
Back then I'd returned home from work to find the console suddenly frozen and unresponsive. It required a button reset to get it going again. After that the issues I had were poor radio reception problems that appeared out of nowhere plus major gaps in data upload to WeatherLink. RSSI had dropped from a formerly healthy -63 dB average to -85dB or even worse. was missing packets of data all over the place and gaps of up to 40 minutes at a time with no upload at all were common. I had recently purchased a WeatherLink Live and it never missed a single packet so I decided to remove my WeatherLink Pro Account from the WLC altogether and just rely on the WLL. (Still one of the best moves I ever made... but more about that later... ;) )

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I'm happy to say it appears everything appears to be now resolved as of last night and the WLC is back working properly. Not only that but it is now working even better than it did before the issues arose (!) Mine was a console that never, ever gave trouble previously so I was perplexed to see some of the negative feedback online until mine started acting erratically. Nothing physically or electronically had suddenly changed either inside or outside our house I believed to provoke a change such as the one I was experiencing.

Sooooo... here is the story:

Regarding the sudden issue of WeatherLink data missing and poor RSSI, after some weeks I contacted Davis Australia for advice who in turn recommended removing the ISS from Channel 1 and going to a higher channel such as 7 or 8. (Another recommendation was a full factory reset which I did not end up doing.) I took the channel change advice though and chose 'lucky' 7 hoping to see some improvement. Nothing changed at all except for me watching all my ISS data since April 2024 'go down the toilet' completely and I guess it is now unretrievable (?) A bit of a shame really- my first spring and winter ever with a PWS and all the excitement I felt seeing the first heavy rains and changing conditions is now lost. Oh well. Time to move forward and I'm acknowledging the fact that at least it wasn't 20 years of lost data like some of you might have! :shock:

Anyways, 8 days ago on a Saturday morning (as per the above post in this thread), the forecast ticker text along the bottom of the WLC display and associated sky condition bubble went 'missing in action' suddenly... and then returned just as suddenly during the next day on Sunday morning. It took a couple of resets (again) but all was good thereafter. I really started thinking then that the WLC was failing even more and had even started considering a warranty claim. However, this event seems to have been a catalyst for what transpired next (?)

Last night I on a whim I decided to have a look again at the WLC's uploads to WeatherLink one last time by removing my Pro Subscription from the WLL and applying once again to the WLC. To my complete surprise, the data packets sent to WeatherLink since 'whatever' occurred last weekend were fully intact again and no gaps at all were present. (I have my WLC set always on 5 minute uploads and by switching to bar graph view on the WeatherLink chart page it is easy to see when any are missing.) Firmware remains the same July 4th v1.4.43 and OS 1.37 version so nothing sneaky happened there? I'm at a loss to understand how this changed but delighted to see that it did! Maybe someone from Davis is monitoring their system (or this forum) and secretly pushed out a fix? Who knows?

Somewhat heartened, I then checked the WLC RSSI values one more time to see if that was also resolved!? It wasn't. Still rubbish compared to what it used to be and still in the high dB 70's to high 80's.

But then I had a brainwave that changed everything after coincidentally finding this link from last night (had too much coffee :grin:) and seeing the internal photos of a WLC for the first time:

My WLC is wall-mounted high up on a Gyprock (plaster) stud wall that occupies a space where a co-ax TV aerial plate once sat. (I managed to partially re-use the internal mounting bracket to mount the WLC.) Next to it is the power outlet intended originally for the TV- a quality Clipsal brand outlet with a smart USB-C charger in-built that powers the WLC. The USB-C power supply cable for the WLC for the sake of neatness usually sits tucked behind the WLC in the plaster wall cavity (it is physically separated away from any 240VAC power cables by an internal wall stud and is not coiled!). After looking at the photos and how the aerial is situated, it prompted me to pull the USB-C power supply cable completely out of the wall again and relocate where it sits. Instead of it running up over the WLC bracket and it sitting loosely and directly behind the WLC, it now runs down and sits inside the wall cavity below the WLC completely away from the rear of the 6313AU and electronics. There was an immediate positive step change of around +25dB in the ISS RSSI values- a massive increase! After reviewing again this morning- it looks like that simple action has made that improvement permanent. Now I'm averaging -58/-60 dB and the reading is very steady- which it has never, ever been! Here is a photo of the install- plus a 1 day and also 3 day trend showing the +25dB improvement after the simple cable relocation that I performed over 12 hours previously!

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So in summary, (TLDR :-)) the issue fix was a combination of something that may have happened externally (Davis?) and also something physically from my end. For anyone reading this that has 6313AU WeatherLink Console RSSI issues, I would highly recommend checking the routing and clearances of any USB-C supply cables (plus obviously AC mains cables) to reduce any potential RSSI interference. (Design-wise, this shouldn't have really happened I guess, but undeniable that it actually did...)

I can only guess that after the glitch on the 2nd of August, I must have stuffed the cable back into the wall slightly differently after resetting the WLC. Thus kicking off the chain of events that led me to here. Every cloud has a silver lining they say. Without the WLC issue I wouldn't have discovered WLL... without WLL I wouldn't have discovered Weather Display... without Weather Display I certainly wouldn't have discovered Meteobridge... thus finding some sort of data autonomy does exist that will lead to me ultimately relying less on the WeatherLink cloud in future. Meteobridge Pro 2 may just be my next big step...  [-o<

Anyways, I'm hoping this helps whomever may read it and also wishing a very Happy Father's Day (today) to all the other Wx. tinkering Dads here in Australia.  [tup]



EDIT: name correction
Davis Instruments Weather Stations / Re: Need help regarding wildlife
« Last post by Mattk on Yesterday at 10:40:30 PM »
Lower the anemometer pole mount down the pole so the top of the pole is about 100mm (4") above the top of the wind vane. Then either put a cross piece on top of the pole but to really piss him off extend a round rod (typically use 1/4" or 3/8" stainless threaded rod) out over the wind vane and put multiple short sections of PVC or corrugated conduit over the threaded rod. He'll try an land on that and be rolled off.     
Thanks again for the help guys. [tup]

I went through all the ambeient FAQ but must have overlooked the format one.

I should have remembered your pages Gyvate
Davis Instruments Weather Stations / Re: Need help regarding wildlife
« Last post by hdtvluvr on Yesterday at 10:01:04 PM »
No sinister plans.  Really like watching him.  Just don't want him destroying my wind vane.

Another pole will need to be 14 - 15 ft tall.  I had a difficult time finding the poles for the weather station.  Not sure what to do for a pole & cross brace.
Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting / Re: Sum/Moon Graphic
« Last post by saratogaWX on Yesterday at 09:17:32 PM »
I don't know which FTP software you're using.  If it's FileZilla, I think you can just select /jpgraph-4.4.2-src-only directory in the local file browser and PUT the entire directory (and subdirectories) to your site.

I use Dreamweaver, and just selecting the local file directory and PUT does the job.. other FTP software should have that capability too.
Davis Instruments Weather Stations / Re: Need help regarding wildlife
« Last post by jackman on Yesterday at 08:35:10 PM »
Put up another pole adjacent to your station that is taller and with a short cross brace (yardarm) at the top.
Davis Instruments Weather Stations / Re: Need help regarding wildlife
« Last post by CW2274 on Yesterday at 08:28:05 PM »
Water hose? I believe raptors are federally protected as well, in case you have more sinister plans.  :evil:
WeeWX Software / Re: New install weewx5 meteo-pi raspberry pi 4
« Last post by R.Sidetrack on Yesterday at 08:22:56 PM »
I don't have any Davis or Meteo hardware.  I do have Pi though.  And I have on occasion struggled with linux permissions.  :roll:

In your shoes, my first choice would be to adjust permissions in this:
ls -l /dev/tty*
crw-rw---- 1 root   dialout 4, 64 Aug 31 10:06 /dev/ttyS0
... so it looks like this:

The second instance grants all permissions, the first is more restrictive.  So I'd grant all permissions, see if that fixes the problem, then evaluate whether you really have a security risk with those lax permission settings. :)

I have today updated the firmware of my HP2560. It was a weird occasion that I needed a card less than 32GB after several years buying larger and larger cards for different video applications. In the end my nice neighbor came to the rescue, and we found a 8GB card.

As said - did the update and found all my data gone. Is this really the way of software 2024???


Might want to read through
Lots of good information.
Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting / Re: Sum/Moon Graphic
« Last post by zeppline on Yesterday at 08:11:21 PM »
Ken thank you for the tree, I have all the files, but I don't know how to put the /*.php  in src file. the path to sunpose. thank You
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