General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Weather Conditions Discussion
If you didn't hear this on the radio today....
If you did not get a chance to listen to Paul Harvey at Noon today, he talked about the recent snows out west: very interesting point! I think you can listen here:
Paul Harvey - the pertinent dialog starts at 6:30 minutes into the broadcast
If for some reason the link is broken you can go here:
Mark / Ohio:
Reminds me of a story I recall my grandfather telling me probably from 1940 or so of getting stuck in a snow drift out in the county trying to get home from work. Him and some others that found themselves in the same pickle were invited into stay that night at a farmhouse when they asked to use the telephone to let their families know that they were OK and just stuck in the snow.
Of course people still help others like that today during emergencies. But I think the general public's "screw you" attitude comes back much more quickly now after a crisis then what it used to in years past. :(
Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
Radio? They still have that?
Last time I had a radio on several years ago, it was nothing but commercials. Far more so than TV. I turned it off and haven't had one on since. I couldn't even tell you what stations play what format any more.
--- Quote from: "WeatherHost" ---I couldn't even tell you what stations play what format any more.
--- End quote ---
Probably just as well... most of the stations have likely changed formats anyway.
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