General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Weather in TV & Movies
Naming storms
Only from the weather channel
Good article
--- Quote from: chief-david on November 01, 2017, 12:45:01 PM ---Only from the weather channel
Good article
--- End quote ---
Oh, that bottom pic!! :lol: :lol:
They have been doing this in the UK for a year now and it is rubbish. We dont have severe storms here like others do and it seems pointless. Just a while ago we had storm Brian, no disrespect to any Brians, but how pointless is that.
Dale, ask yourself this question.
Can you or anyone you know name one winter storm TWC has named in the past?
Probably not.
That's my point. They aren't relevant so try not to get too upset with what they do.
It's grandstanding as you said. Just a way for them to draw attention to themselves.
No of course I cannot name a winter storm except the late fall storm of was it '49 that killed all the hunters and fishermen on the Mississippi River in was it November? And of course the 'Children's Blizzard' of 1888.
But in a couple hundred years to have only two that were so severe that they are worthy of mentioning.
Up here in the MidWest we have tornadoes and I don't recall them being named. Yet. I'd better keep my mouth shut or some of the geniuses at WxChannel will start doing that next year. The idle mind is the devil's workshop, you know.
Yeah, I was venting, but it all comes down to the frustration with the lack of any awareness and practice of science lately. When I was in school there were nerds, and while they were nerds they were respected and consulted for their curiosity and ingenuity. Now most people can't do an ounce of critical thinking and when you challenge them as to why they think crystals can heal, that 'natural' products are inherently better, and so on, they get all irritated. Just a few days ago I got a (perhaps apocryphal) copy of an article where some mother was ranting about the evils of the flu shot, since her 14 year old daughter got pregnant after getting the flu shot.... Oh well. Some day these outstanding thinkers will be called to jury duty.
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