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Your Weather Library
--- Quote from: tweatherman on August 28, 2015, 06:00:28 PM ---kcidwx,
Just curious what happened with your heathkit idw5001 station?
--- End quote ---
I still have the IDW-5001.
I once had all my meteorology textbooks from my undergraduate meteorology classes in college. I took a few graduate level classes as well. When I moved 6 years ago, I decided to donate them all to our local library. The only book I have now is The Weather Observers Handbook by Stephen Burt. Highly recommend if you are into weather instrumentation.
"Measuring the Natural Environment" second edition by Ian Strangeways (Published by Cambridge University Press, 2003 printing)
...and I intercepted this one on the way to the trash from the library at the school I work for (I haven't read it yet):
"The Way of the Weather" by Jerome Spar (Published by Creative Educational Society, 1961 printing)
The Complete Idiots Guide To Weather by Dr. Mel Goldstein. ISBN: 0-02-862709-1
If anyone likes older weather books , I bought a book on Amazon last year from the 1950s by a guy named Frank Forrester called "1001 Questions About the Weather". Pretty neat stuff!
OK, I'm new here & I like books, so figured I'd see what's been posted on wx books - nothing in a long while; I hope people here haven't given up on the printed word!
And that long-dead threads can be revived!
Maybe others have favorite weather or climate books they like?
So here are a few of my favorite wx/climate books - I'm a geographer by education & took some meteorology/climatology classes & did a lot of study for my science (vegetation ecology) so may get increasingly more technical down the list.
These references from my book database hence the format (very dorky I know, but more or less than having a weather station or website!?):
A field guide to the atmosphere
Author: Schaefer, Vincent J.; Day, John A.
Publish year: 1981
Pages: 359
Publisher: Houghton-Mifflin Co.
ISBN: 0-395-33033-5
LOC Cat #: 80-25473
LC Call #: QC863.S346
DDC: 551.5
This is a great book in every way - good writing, great photos, covers a good range of topics, and written for an intelligent audience (back when intelligence was expected). Great cloud, frost, & snowflake pix. I can't say enough about this great book - the book if you only have one. Buy an earlier printing (signature bound) because it won't crack & fall apart like later cheap glued bindings do...
Meteorology Today - An Introduction to Weather, Climate and Environment
Author: Ahrens, C. Donald
year: March-01-88
Pages: 400
Publisher: Brooks/Cole
ISBN: 0314624775
Edition: 3rd
One of the general meteorology textbooks I used in college (I think I used the 4th ed., and hopefully later editions are as good but in general I find the newer the textbook the dumber the text - for general (i.e., not satellite climatology or modelling) info I'd suggest a used textbook from the early 70s - it'll be bound & printed better, written at a higher lever of intelligence, & have useful diagrame & photos with a minumum of useless 'color boxes' & other fluff.
The climate near the ground, 1st English ed.
Author: Geiger, Rudolf
year: 1959
Pages: 494
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Place: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Edition: 1st English
This book is a 'classic', originally in German, and covers the full topic of microclimatology.
The climate near the ground, 6th Englsh ed.
Author: Geiger, Rudolf; Aron, Robert H.; Todhunter, Paul
year: 2003
Pages: 584
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 0-7425-1857-4
The most recent edition of 'Geiger' that I have - I took the class when Bob Aron was 'testing' the first revision of this he co-edited (ca. 1993 that meant paying $50 for a pile of poor quality photocopies from teh ripoff college bookstore!) Later I bought this properly published edition...
Climate in a small area - an introduction to local meteorology
Author: Yoshino, Masatoshi M.
year: 1975
Pages: 549
Publisher: University of Tokyo Press
Place: Tokyo, Japan
ISBN: 0860081443 :
LOC Cat #: 75330869
LC Call #: QC883.8.J3 Y6713
DDC: 551.6/6
Another great classic book on micrometeorology, equal to & good alongside Geiger. I had this checked out almost constantly in college.
Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications
Author: Whiteman, C. David
year: August-24-00
Pages: 376
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Place: New York, NY
ISBN: 0195132718
LOC Cat #: 99024940
LC Call #: QC993.6 .W48 2000
DDC: 551.6914/3
I was very interested in mountain ecology for a few years & this was a good coverage of the topic.
Weather and climate of the Great Lakes region
Author: Eichenlaub, Val L. (Author)
year: 1979
Pages: 335
Publisher: University of Notre Dame Press
Place: Notre Dame, Indiana
ISBN: 0268019304
LOC Cat #: 78051526
LC Call #: QC982.8.E3
DDC: 551.6/9/77
Another favorite of mine because it's the only book; and one of the few publications in English on the topic of lake-influenced weather & climate. I got my Msc degree at Western MI U where Eichenlaub was professor, but was a little disappointed that he was recently retired & had no interest in my enthusiasm of the topic (which was a big part of my research)... "I'm mostly interested in golf" he told the disappointed younger me. With the hindsight of 25 years I now suppose people have the right to retire completely at some point if they want - especially if they've written as useful a book as this!
The climatic atlas of Michigan
Author: Eichenlaub, Val L. (Text); Harman, Jay R. (Text); Nurnberger, Fred V. (Text); Stolle, Hans J. (Text)
year: 1990
Pages: 165
Publisher: University of Notre Dame Press
Place: Notre Dame, Indiana
ISBN: 0-268-00773-x
LOC Cat #: 89-40020
LC Call #: QC984.M4E33 1990
DDC: 551.69774'022'2--dc20
Another book from Eichenlaub & colleagues; a bit clunky 35 years later when maps are a lot easier to make, but this was a goldmine of climatic information (& evidence of lake influence) for me in college.
Climates of the Soviet Union
Author: Lydolph, Paul E.
year: 1977
Pages: 443
Publisher: Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam
Place: Amsterdam, NL-New York, NY
ISBN: 0 444 41516 5
LOC Cat #: 76046298
LC Call #: QC980.15.W67 vol. 7 / QC989.R9
DDC: 551.6/08 s 551.6/9/47
As a specialist in the ussr/xussr area (along with vegetation!) in college this was always a standard if highly technical reference.
I ought to mention Weatherwise magazine too - I subscribed for a while 20 years ago but always have so much on my read list (much of it already decades or centuries old) that I felt I was getting behind every time a new issue showed up... I'm glad to see it's still published but now owned by the mega-academic T&F publisher/Informa & pretty expensive (though they state "Members of NWA and CoCoRaHs have a discounted print and online subscription rate of $35").
(plus a bunch in Russian on lake-influenced climate, forest climatology & phytoclimatology, 'the dictionary of winds', etc. - can give citations if you read the language...)
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