Author Topic: List of Places: Where registered CWOP weather stations or MADIS data shows up...  (Read 28388 times)

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Offline galfert

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PURPOSE: The purpose of this thread is to share about websites, apps, or services where registered CWOP stations (and MADIS) data show up. Not interested in other places where you can publish your data via other software or hardware. The purpose is to share of services that pick up MADIS stations. It might be interesting to learn what websites, apps or services pickup your MADIS data.

BACKGROUND: When you confirm your registration for your CWOP station within a few days the data starts to get ingested by NOAA's MADIS. From there it can be picked up by a number of weather services. Most of us that publish to CWOP are probably going to be familiar with the more popular and basically known places to see your data.

THE BASICS: When you first begin to publish your registered CWOP weather station data these are the basic known places to see your data:

  • - This is where you see your CWOP station raw data and recent graphs.
    You can see anyone's CWOP station by completing the the following URL: - Where x = C through F (currently) and nnnn is the numerical part of your ID. Ham radio call signs don't follow this naming method as they just use their radio call sign instead.
    If you don't know the CWOP ID then you can use the following URL:
  • - This is where you can get MADIS score rating information about your station, get recommended analysis graphs for calibrating your station, or compare your station to other nearby stations. This is linked to from the station's FindU page under the Quality Control Graphs link.  - where x is C through F (currently) and nnnn is the numerical part of your ID. Ham radio stations follow a different naming which is differen than their call sign.
  • MADIS Surface Map - Also called NOAA mesonet display - This is linked to from where you signed up for CWOP on This shows you all the active MADIS stations on nice map. You can mouse over a station to get recent live data and QC ratings. You can also click on the station and get overview data and plot some graphs for the different sensors.
  • Weather Underground - UPDATE: This is no longer supported by WU. Well WU used to pick up MADIS stations and show them. They even ask you to enter your MADIS ID if you also report with a WU station ID, so that they don't duplicated the data on their map. Since July 2018 they stopped picking up MADIS data. They still have a place for you to enter your MADIS ID on your station setup and perhaps as they continue their upgrades this feature may return. In WU your MADIS station begins with the letter M followed by the MADIS ID, for example MF3708 is my station. (leaving this link for hopeful future use again)

ADDITIONAL WEBSITES THAT PUBLISH CWOP or MADIS DATA (Updated regularly from follow-up posts in this thread)
Read follow-up posts to learn tips on how to use these. Because some of these don't default to showing you CWOP/MADIS. This is just a summary list that I'll update as new posts show up with more places in this thread. UPDATED...

Read follow-up posts to learn tips on how to use these. Because some don't default to showing you CWOP/MADIS. This is just a summary list.

TO BE CONTINUED... Please add to this thread if you know of another place where your MADIS data shows up or where it is used.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2020, 08:02:31 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline galfert

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Here are some other places (with usage details) to see your MADIS weather stations data…

  • University of Utah MesoWest network – When you work on this map you need to select either All Networks or specify APRSWXNET/CWOP to see your MADIS station data, and you also need to select the correct region, then click Refresh Map. Then click on the station and see more data and graphs.
  • – Technically this is not MADIS as the website shows weather stations reporting through the APRS Internet and Radio network. But it shows not just weather stations but other types of objects using the network for other purposes like tracking and ham radio operations. This (APRS) is the protocol that CWOP stations use to transmit their weather data on the Internet (and radio). This is your data before it gets ingested by MADIS.
  • NOAA NWS Weather Conditions – This website shows some basic graphs and data gathered from mesowest. I don’t know where this page is linked from. If anyone knows let me know. All I know to do is change the XNNNN in the link to correspond to the MADIS ID. You can change the last num=48 to a different number of hours to see more or less data and graphs.
  • – Now we are getting into some interesting websites that use MADIS data. The map will show all the active MADIS stations but you’ll need to zoom in far enough and have the right settings turned on. To see the MADIS stations you must select either the Reported Wind or Reported Temperature icons on the bottom of the map (see screenshot below). If you click on a station you’ll also get some graphs and you can move a slider to change the number of days from now to the past 20 days. There is even a forecast link for that station which then gives a nice graphical forecast.

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Anyone know any other places where CWOP or MADIS data shows up?...please add them to this list.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 09:55:38 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline galfert

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Okay I found out where the NWS Weather Conditions link comes from (sort of). You need to be in the NWS Map. Ensure you have the correct map settings first. Then click on the station, followed by clicking on 3 day or 7 day historical observations link for that station.

You do need to have the correct map settings to see your station. Go to the Overlays section, then select the Observations tab, then ensure you turn on the check box for "Surface Observations." Lastly make sure below that the the network Provider type drop down box is set to All Networks or APRSWXNET/CWOP. I like leaving it set to All Networks so I can see and compare local airports at the same time.

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This screenshot below shows you where you pull up the historical observations (mentioned in earlier post) after clicking on a station. Even though it looks the same as what was mentioned in the prior post, the resulting link is different. So I still don't really know how to land on the prior posts page directly. You can manipulate the resulting URL to customize the amount of data and graphs that show up (for either one).

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Anyone know any other places where CWOP or MADIS data shows up?...please add them to this list.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 09:57:23 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline galfert

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Yep found another one...

  • - This website is run by a company in UK. I thought at first it was associated with Met Office but it isn't. To see CWOP stations you need to go to settings (Gear) and then select to turn on, "Show Amateur Stations" and set to Yes. I recommend changing the units (if you live in the US to Imperial), and set the map to open and center at your location (or it defaults to Europe as center) by entering in your Lat and Long in decimal format (don't forget the minus for Western Longitudes), and I like a zoom level of 11. Pretty cool graphs when you select a station and go to the Dashboard for that station.

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Anyone know any other places where CWOP or MADIS data shows up?...please add them to this list.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 09:59:19 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline galfert

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I suppose we shouldn't limit ourselves to just websites. Mobile apps are just as helpful and popular for accessing weather data.

Follow these steps to get NOAA Weather Unofficial to show you your favorite MADIS station:
1 - Tap the Menu (three dots) button on the top right corner.
2 - Select Tab Options from the drop down list.
3 - Put Check Mark on "Use Alternate (larger) Station List."
4 - Tap top left corner of app where the Logo is (yep that is a button.)
5 - Tap the Map icon (not the + Add Location.)
6 - Tap the center of the place where you want to find a station (doesn't have to be precise.)
7 - Wait for the "Loading..." to stop.
8 - Tap the banner above your red marker showing you the GPS location for that stop.
9 - Tap on the newly listed saved location.
10 - Wait for "Downloading Forecast..." to finish (1 or 2 secs.)
11 - Tap on Current Observations.
12 - Tap on More Stations (or click on the Map icon to select nearest station.)
13 - Wait for station data to load (Ignore N/A when it is done then go to next step.)
14 - Select the station you want from the resulting list (even if it shows N/A with no current data.)
15 - Tap on Refresh (circular arrows) on the top of the app bar.
16 - Station data should now be current (if the station is live and reporting.)
17 - Last weather data with Updated time stamp and station ID should be showing.
18 - Scroll down for future forecast for this location.
19 - Don't forget to check out the forecast graphs! Tap on graph icon at the bottom of the Hourly tab, then slide your finger on the graph.

This is a very nicely done app. More powerful than it seems at first glance.

Anyone know any other places where CWOP or MADIS data shows up?...please add them to this list. ...anyone??? there an echo here?

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 10:00:21 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline ValentineWeather

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You covered all the places I'm familiar with.  ;)

Offline galfert

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You covered all the places I'm familiar with.  ;)

Well there is more. I'm holding out on ya'.   :wink:  I'm waiting to see if anyone has anything to share and giving others a chance to participate. Yet I know I can't possibly know all of them as I'm still finding new places. I hope this encourages others to search and see what they find.
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline galfert

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Well I waited a month to see if anyone would spend some time and see what they uncovered....and we have nothing.
So I'll post the last of what I was holding on to. Yet still I know our CWOP data just has to be in yet more places.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 10:04:04 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline kan6526

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what can I do ?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 05:34:22 AM by kan6526 »

Offline galfert

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  • Posts: 6820  <--- it's OK   <---- The site id FW1811 is invalid or no data has been seen.

what can I do ?

EDITED: [analysis] is only for registered US and Canada CWOP stations that get ingested by The National Weather Service's MADIS. There is nothing you can do if you don't live in the USA or Canada. You'll need to register to show up on

Most of the sites and services mentioned in this thread will not work for you except and (and without analysis data). This is because most of the sites and services mentioned in this thread are picking up only CWOP stations that report into MADIS.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 10:05:43 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline galfert

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I misspoke. Gladstonefamily will work but you will not get analysis data [red line on graphs]. Your station is not yet registered with  It takes about a week to show up on Gladstonefamily. Probably by Wednesday this week.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 11:03:55 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline galfert

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other's one,2018-12-15-00,24.557,120.863,8,i:pressure

What can I do to be like this?

I don't think that there is anything you can do, but wait. Your station only has been up for 11 days reporting to CWOP. The problem could be just that has not yet refreshed their database to pick up new stations. does not have any set procedure for getting your station to show up. They just do what they do, and if you report to CWOP/MADIS you show up automatically. But I'm not sure how long it takes for them to update their database.

On the other hand it is possible that you may never show up. The reason I say that you may never show up is because shows MADIS stations and your station being that it is in Taiwan is not really being ingested by MADIS. It is rather curious how you have shared a link to another station that is in Taiwan and is showing up on That station is not on MADIS yet it is being picked up somehow. Give it a few weeks and see what happens.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2018, 04:48:43 PM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline miraculon

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Since nobody else posted it, there is GRLevel3. The AllisonHouse CWOP option plots the stations* on the map with the appropriate feed (.../cwop.places).

* Usually, normally, well, it's supposed to... (they seem to be having issues with it lately, I raised a ticket with them and they said something about databases)

Greg H.

Blitzortung Stations #706 and #1682
CWOP: CW4114 and KE8DAF-13
Amateur Radio Callsign: KE8DAF

Offline Randall Kayfes

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My station used to show up at:

But I haven't since my move in November does anybody see there own CWOP on this page>


Offline CW2274

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    • Conditions @ CW2274 West Tucson-Painted Hills Ranch

Offline PaulMy

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Mine is not at that site Randall but this is a new one to me


Offline galfert

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My station used to show up at:

But I haven't since my move in November does anybody see there own CWOP on this page>


I remember reading in some other thread some time ago that it is up to the local NWS forecast office to put links in for local MADIS stations or not. Some local NWS forecast offices do it, some don't. My local NWS forecast office in Melbourne does not. So your new local NWS forecast office seems like it doesn't either.
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline jcookjr82

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I know this is an old thread, but I have always wondered if the NOAA uses our PWS data for forecasting? I know it is impossible to know if one sites their station well or other factors, but it would be interesting to know.
Davis Vantage Vue (Brentwood, CA KCABRENT8 and Arnold, CA KCAARNOL99)
Davis Vantage Pro2 (Lakehead, CA KCALAKEH52)
LaCrosse 2813 (retired 1/17/2018)

Offline galfert

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I know this is an old thread, but I have always wondered if the NOAA uses our PWS data for forecasting? I know it is impossible to know if one sites their station well or other factors, but it would be interesting to know.

Yes and Yes...
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking

Offline jcookjr82

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I know this is an old thread, but I have always wondered if the NOAA uses our PWS data for forecasting? I know it is impossible to know if one sites their station well or other factors, but it would be interesting to know.

Yes and Yes...

Thanks! That site is not organized well for finding out such info.
Davis Vantage Vue (Brentwood, CA KCABRENT8 and Arnold, CA KCAARNOL99)
Davis Vantage Pro2 (Lakehead, CA KCALAKEH52)
LaCrosse 2813 (retired 1/17/2018)

Offline CW2274

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    • Conditions @ CW2274 West Tucson-Painted Hills Ranch
Straight from CWOP's home page:

CWOP members send their weather data by internet alone or internet-wireless combination to the findU server and then every five minutes, the data are sent from the findU server to the NOAA MADIS server. The data undergo quality checking and then are distributed to users. There are over 800 different organizations using CWOP mesonet data. Here is a partial list:

    NWS Weather Forecast Offices
    National Center for Environmental Prediction
    National Ocean Service
    National Transportation Safety Board
    National Center for Atmospheric Research
    Department of Homeland Security
    Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District
    Colorado Avalanche Information Center
    Kennedy Space Center
    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
    University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
    MIT Lincoln Laboratories
    University of Utah
    Penn State University
    Mississippi State University
    University of Alaska
    University of North Dakota
    Hampton University
    Texas A&M University
    University of Hawaii
    Florida State University
    Weather Underground

Offline K5GHS

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One note about Ham Stations too is that depending on what else they might be doing on APRS (which is where our weather data goes too, as well as some CWOP data, depending on how the operator is sending it to the network) they might use their callsign, or callsign-x (where x is a number 1-15).  My weather station for example is K5GHS-1 because I run a APRS application on my home computer that is using my callsign sans any number.  (I might have to change this, I'm waiting to hear back from NWS, if so, I'll have to swap it and my weather station).  But I have seen other hams use a -x identifier for their weather station.  This is the reason why other identifiers are used too (I was an ASxxx in California before I wasn't able to upload to CWOP with my old station, just got back into it, but thats one of a few identifiers a station may have).  Most ham stations nowadays use internet to get their data to the NWS, but some still do it the old fashioned way-transmitting it out as a APRS packet via RF, to hopefully be picked up by a relay that will "repeat" it to a APRS station that is connected to the internet (Igate).  This happens especially for stations that may have slow or unreliable internet, or remotely located stations that can reach another APRS station to relay it, or just people who have a radio license, so they want to send it in via radio, period.  Those go out on APRS first then into the network via the nearest IGate.  I won't get more technical than that, but if you look at the packets on Findu, you'll see TCPIP if they came in via internet without any radio relay.  Otherwise you'll see the callsign path they took via RF to get to the internet.

The only thing that this affects is whatever site or software you're using may not identify -x stations right, so you may not be seeing some Ham Radio related WS if they only look for the callsign minus the identifier.

I actually use quite a few different identifiers.  Depending on my physical location, and what devices or radios I have turned on at the time, there could be as many as SIX identifiers clustered on my house.  Even when I'm not home there will be a few there, namely the main if my APRS map is running, my weather station now on -1, my phone using APRSDroid, as well as my tablet on that as well (this is where anyone who sends me a message via APRS sends them to) as well as my vehicle (this is actually a "pure RF" APRS, that transmits my location as I move, used to track me when I'm storm chasing, which is what the map I have at home is for, you can watch the weather and direct people AWAY from the main storm track-we're out there to gather data, not toss a trailer into a storm a-la "Twister.").  I also have a handheld radio that will transmit APRS, though that one has to be really close to a relay to get into the APRS network because of its low signal.

If you look up APRS there is a ton of data on it, but depending on the map you look at, you might see a WX icon for a Ham operated Weather Station, but if its also showing you APRS data, you'll see other devices too.  That is what they are, either internet based trackers, or RF trackers on handhelds or Mobiles.  At times they even do balloon launches and put an APRS trackers in them too.  Usually storm chasers turn off ambiguity (the ability to mask the precise location a bit) when chasing, because if a storm is moving fast, they want Skywarn Net Control to be able to direct them out of harms way, or tell them to get under cover before a hail core hits, etc.  Some operators even send out APRS data showing what radio they are operating, wattage being used and stuff like that.  Many times if there is a local "Hamfest" or event they will put an icon for it on APRS somehow.  There are some people with setups in their cars with dedicated small screens they use just to look at APRS data.  I'm not that deep into it but it does exist, and some people use it to send messages instead of the internet, like in the old "packet radio" days with 1200 baud RF modems....

FindU will list all of the associated trackers, etc having to do with a callsign.  Just do a search for the call without any -x and it will list all of them.  I believe you can have 16 total (the callsign alone, then -1 to -15).  Some people do use all of them for various purposes. shows a list of what the are usually used for-however this isn't always followed, and if you have an "established" SSID for whatever reason, changing it might require notifying quite a few people (which is why I'm hoping I can leave mine alone at home, but if it has to be sans ssid for the weather station I'll change it).

This won't affect most of what you're looking for, and I believe probably nowadays most sites might use the "AS" ID versus the callsign for data, but if they are just looking by callsign, they are probably missing a lot of WX stations without one.  If you know a ham radio operator nearby and can't find their weather station by callsign, do the generic search on FindU and you'll probably find it under a SSID.

The APRS system is a real interesting system and there are still a lot of people using it today, and a lot of weather stations using it to get their data into the network.  "Bah!  I will always send my reports by radio. Using the internet is cheating!" ...some operators do think this, for sure.

Just one other way that data flows into CWOP, at least on the Amateur Radio side.

EDIT: Typos
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 11:41:26 PM by K5GHS »

Collin County, TX  Grid: EM13qd  CWOP: AV590
Skywarn Repeaters:  147.180 Primary 146.740 Secondary
100% Emergency Powered Ham Radio Station (540AH Batteries/Solar Rechargeable)
Ambient Weather WS-2000
Ecowitt GW1000

Offline galfert

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The new PWSweather is showing MADIS stations:

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« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 08:55:27 AM by galfert »
Ecowitt GW1000 | Meteobridge on Raspberry Pi
WU: KFLWINTE111  |  PWSweather: KFLWINTE111
CWOP: FW3708  |  AWEKAS: 14814
Windy: pws-f075acbe
Weather Underground Issue Tracking