Weather Related Organizations > CWOP Forum

Station data stopped appearing on MADIS Surface map


I registered my CWOP station back in January, followed all of the proper instructions, and a couple weeks later my station's data started appearing on the MADIS surface map.

Fast forward to around a week ago, I started using VWSaprs instead of to upload my data. Big mistake, as the 2.0 version of VWSaprs does not properly timestamp the observations (for whatever reason, it puts a "!" in place of the "@ddhhmmz" timestamp). This change appeared to coincide with when my station's observations dropped off the MADIS surface map, but I can't say this with 100% certainty.

I switched back to using earlier this week and confirmed my observations are properly timestamped again. My data appears everywhere it should and even shows up when I query the MADIS API, passing all quality checks. I also confirmed I'm still in their APRSNETWXStation.txt file.

My station also still shows up on every other surface map I can find that pulls from MADIS (MesoWest, Synoptic, PWSweather, etc.) As best I can tell, my station is the only one in my geographic region that's not showing up on the official MADIS Surface map, leading me to believe there must still be some sort of issue that's specific to my station alone.

I emailed MADIS support and got a non-answer suggesting I "try to search the station address in MADIS Surface to see what's happening, sometime search the station ID in MADIS Surface doesn't work (it is a known issue)."

Has anyone experienced anything similar before? Or should I just hope it randomly shows up in a few days again? Thanks for your time and any thoughts or ideas you may have.

As is apparently the case with all things related to the MADIS surface map, just waited a few days and my observations started showing up again. Go figure.


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