Weather Related Organizations > NOAA National Weather Service

Severe Weather Warning Polygon data



I've been looking around trying to find out how the NWS publishes the polygon data that is associated with Tornado and Severe Thunderstorm Warnings? I'm building a smart home system that listens to my NWR channel for EAS broadcasts and can understand the SAME code for my county, but I'd like to raise the bar on that and alert differently if my location is inside a published polygon. Google has not been forthcoming with if or where I could retrieve that data from, or how to do so programmatically.

Does anybody in this forum know about this, or could point me towards someone who could help me out?


If no one can help here, I'd try theses guys.

You can try here:

Thanks for the responses, these seem to be going where I wanted. Digging around the SPC website led me to, where CAP messages seem to be what I'm after, as they include the lat/long pairs for Storm Based Warnings. Thanks for the API link as well, as that looks like how I'd go about fetching those messages. I'll dive on these and see where it leads. If there is a better way, I'm all ears! :)

Thanks again for the help!


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