Thanks for the response. So as a new user/new station owner, which should I deploy?
Trying to get things to work on my hosting provider(bluehost). So should i just bite the bullet and use yours and deploy a db?
Thanks for the advice.
Good morning
that Beta version is a long way off and is just a personal project, there are only a few users collaborating and weening out the discrepancies and each day I spend an hour each morning going through the list of things todo ,cross it off move on the next there is not many left mostly languages,importing chart data(barometer).the wetbulb/feels like was addressed yesterday .
It is 100% not a replacement for William's version he maintains and improves and I have no intention of creating a another thread. Williams version is more flexible and supports a wider array of configurations, hardware has more to offer for those that want more .
also Im in absolutely no position to offer any dependable or regular support ,its a personal project thats all .its 100% not ready for primetime and may never be though one user is finding things ok . once *note once its stable it will be archived and only available on request based on you have a GITHUB account. Cant reiterate enough its a personal project and gives me the chance dabble in many new CSS features where supported by browsers *css GRID amazing results and flexibility , last few years flexbox was the best around but the feature css GRID is pretty neat, more powerful and easy to produce layouts ,though its been around for around 3 years its now being fully supported in most modern browsers .. https://learncssgrid.comWilliam i tried the using the internal charts last year , two things observed slow performance due to the fact the nanosd/mbpro were never designed to act as a server .Often saw a few timeouts when pinging the charts over the internet especially noticeable when a lot of historical (years were available) .NANOSD would really warm up at times you could see that by monitoring the indoor temperature from the console (even with the -7 offset to compensate the heat readings already generated) noticeable especially if opening multiple charts so I envisioned if you have a popular accessed site and multiple visitors were pinging/calling the charts simultaneously things would get really slow and hot thing todo william setup a beta with a small amount of users and sit back and see how it runs for others perhaps where they have a lot of historical data also you would be surprised where there data may throw up issues you don't always see locally..
As always William keep up the improvements as one user commented in an email recently "
he is such a helpful and knowledgeable chap. He has helped me out with various template things, but has also helped me upgrade to https and also sftp for MB uploads. You found a good one there to take over!"...
have a good shift:-) brian
edit..typo as usual