Author Topic: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options  (Read 103634 times)

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Offline wvdkuil

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #650 on: June 28, 2019, 02:49:37 AM »
Thanks to lightmaster, I recently got the weather34 template up and running on my website.  After running it for a few weeks, I decided to try out a new hosting service since my old one kept blocking my IP address.  I am doing a trial on DigitalOcean.  I decided to load the new beta templates that don't require a MySQL database.  I got everything loaded and went through and made all the settings changes and saved them.  Now when I go to my web address I only get a blank white page.  I'm not sure what might cause this.  I thought maybe the Apache server wasn't up and running, but I confirmed it is.  I also tried loading the current production site template, but I get the same white page.  I'm not sure what else to check, so I thought I would post to see if anyone has any recommendations.


Where did you find this beta template, cuz I haven't made any official template yet that doesn't include MySQL. Gonna start work on that in the another week or so.
no mysql ! now with new small charts and almanac pop ups


Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #651 on: June 28, 2019, 02:56:48 AM »
Ah. I'd be careful using that for the next while because Brian left for a 2 week vacation last Sunday and then is doing his big move after that. Not sure when he'll be back or when that repo will be updated again.

Offline ngiovas

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #652 on: June 28, 2019, 08:59:09 AM »
Thanks to lightmaster, I recently got the weather34 template up and running on my website.  After running it for a few weeks, I decided to try out a new hosting service since my old one kept blocking my IP address.  I am doing a trial on DigitalOcean.  I decided to load the new beta templates that don't require a MySQL database.  I got everything loaded and went through and made all the settings changes and saved them.  Now when I go to my web address I only get a blank white page.  I'm not sure what might cause this.  I thought maybe the Apache server wasn't up and running, but I confirmed it is.  I also tried loading the current production site template, but I get the same white page.  I'm not sure what else to check, so I thought I would post to see if anyone has any recommendations.

The site returns a 500 error, which normally is a PHP parsing error.

I attached a smal script, it sets all error reporting and then load index.php
Unzip and put that in your pws/ folder and start
Probably it will tell the script and the line-number with the error.


Thanks.  I will switch back to the original template for now and then run this.  I was having the same issue with the original template as well, but didn't spend much time trying to figure out why.  Just figured the newer one may be better/easier, but it appears that it isn't ready for primetime :).

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #653 on: June 28, 2019, 08:28:56 PM »
Lets get the Weather Flowing again

Updated wflightning.php and the settings file to use a working WeatherFlow API Key.
Not sure how wflightning.php was ever working because WF said they didn't have that API key in their system. The key is now in there system, but an updated to the file is still needed because the key in the file didn't have the necessary hyphens in it.

git pull

Or replace the following files:

Offline ngiovas

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #654 on: June 29, 2019, 09:36:25 AM »
I now have my site back up and running on my new server, but I had a couple of questions:

  • WU, Darksky and Metar are not updating.  I have verified that the API keys are correct for all 3 and there is up to date data on all 3 sites.  Is there a file that requires special permissions, or is there a way to manually execute the command to pull the data so I can try to determine where the issue is?
  • Now that I have the site up and running on the new server, I would like to learn how to use GIT to keep the files up to date.  Can anyone point me to any information/tutorial on setting up GIT so I can just run the command from the server to make the updates?

Again, thanks to everyone here for all of the help getting my site up and running!

Offline wvdkuil

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #655 on: June 29, 2019, 10:28:33 AM »
I now have my site back up and running on my new server, but I had a couple of questions:

  • WU, Darksky and Metar are not updating.  I have verified that the API keys are correct for all 3 and there is up to date data on all 3 sites.  Is there a file that requires special permissions, or is there a way to manually execute the command to pull the data so I can try to determine where the issue is?
. . . shortened . . .
You have to run the stationcron.php evry 5 minutes to update the files.
As all versions are different check the documentation also and this topic f.i.

But you can run stationcron.php manually in the browser and the files will be updated once.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 10:30:23 AM by wvdkuil »

Offline ngiovas

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #656 on: June 29, 2019, 11:09:39 AM »
I now have my site back up and running on my new server, but I had a couple of questions:

  • WU, Darksky and Metar are not updating.  I have verified that the API keys are correct for all 3 and there is up to date data on all 3 sites.  Is there a file that requires special permissions, or is there a way to manually execute the command to pull the data so I can try to determine where the issue is?
. . . shortened . . .
You have to run the stationcron.php evry 5 minutes to update the files.
As all versions are different check the documentation also and this topic f.i.

But you can run stationcron.php manually in the browser and the files will be updated once.

Thanks.  I already had the cron job set to run (although I had it at 15 minutes), but it still wasn't updating.  I just ran it manually and it says that each service has updated as I scroll through, but there is still an error at the top of the page (and says offline on the template page).

Code: [Select]
Problem getting your data from MySQL
Metar updated
{"latitude":42.79077911,"longitude":-83.36277771,"timezone":"America/Detroit","currently":{"time":1561820708,"summary":"Partly Cloudy","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","nearestStormDistance":63,"nearestStormBearing":122,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0,"temperature":81.5,"apparentTemperature":84.09,"dewPoint":67.31,"humidity":0.62,"pressure":1018.43,"windSpeed":5.69,"windGust":5.69,"windBearing":305,"cloudCover":0.43,"uvIndex":5,"visibility":10,"ozone":320.5},"minutely":{"summary":"Partly cloudy for the hour.","icon":"clear-day","data":[{"time":1561820700,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561820760,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561820820,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561820880,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561820940,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821000,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821060,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821120,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821180,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821240,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821300,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821360,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821420,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821480,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821540,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821600,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821660,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821720,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},{"time":1561821780,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0},

EDIT: It appears that there is a permissions issue with the SQL database.  I guess I need to resolve that and see if it fixes my issue.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 11:37:19 AM by ngiovas »

Offline seaman55

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #657 on: June 29, 2019, 11:26:19 AM »
Is there a way to reduce the frequency of API calls being made to Dark Sky and CheckWX? I'm burning through the daily, free tier, call allowance in a few hours.

I don't see an option for this in the quick config GUI, but I guess there's a parameter buried in a config file somewhere?

New Davis  / Nano SD / Weather34 user he and absolutely loving it!


I'd have to agree, I'm seeing the same thing, there is a pretty substantial increase in the calls, where daily calls were below 500 have drastically increases around the 20th. After that they were capped at 1000, and hit the ceiling every day. I've now paid so I can see how high they go. I've set my cap at 10K now, so we will hopefully see what the new daily average is. The 29th I had the cap set at 2K, and we hit it.
Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus Daytime-FARS/Meteobridge Pro/ weather34 template on Raspi v3 B+/PurpleAir AQI sensor
Wireless ISS sitting ground/Wireless Wind, Solar, UV sitting roof
Monroe, Washington USA
CWOP: FW4493

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #658 on: June 29, 2019, 12:42:05 PM »
I now have my site back up and running on my new server, but I had a couple of questions:

  • WU, Darksky and Metar are not updating.  I have verified that the API keys are correct for all 3 and there is up to date data on all 3 sites.  Is there a file that requires special permissions, or is there a way to manually execute the command to pull the data so I can try to determine where the issue is?
  • Now that I have the site up and running on the new server, I would like to learn how to use GIT to keep the files up to date.  Can anyone point me to any information/tutorial on setting up GIT so I can just run the command from the server to make the updates?

Again, thanks to everyone here for all of the help getting my site up and running!

Your problem is file and folder permissions. Run these 2 commands from your PWS folder. With DigitalOcean, you shouldn't have any issue with using setfacl, but other people using other hosts might get an error about setfacl not being a valid command, just remove the -exec sudo setfacl bits. These commands make it so any new folders have the exact same permissions as it parent folder:

Code: [Select]
find . -type f -exec sudo chown www-data:www-data {} \; -exec sudo chmod 664 {} \; -exec sudo setfacl -d -m g::rwx {} \; -exec sudo setfacl -d -m o::rw {} \;
find . -type f -exec sudo chown www-data:www-data {} \; -exec sudo chmod 664 {} \;

I would definitely not set your stationcron.php to run every 5 minutes unless you want too hit the free API calls limit on one of the services (one of them has a lowish limit, don't remember which). 15 minutes is a good amount so the forecasts are still fresh but nicely before free limits.

Installing with git

If you'd like to use git, install git with
Code: [Select]
sudo apt install git
Then navigate to the root of the webserver, usually /var/www/html/server url

If the template is already in a folder called pws, move it with (change oldfolder to the folder name)
Code: [Select]
mv oldfolder oldfolder.bak

Now issue this command to download the files from the git server
Code: [Select]
git clone pws
Now copy over the data files (change oldfolder.bak to whatever the old folder is, if you used pws in the previous command, use it here too)
Code: [Select]
cp -rv oldfolder.bak/mbcharts/*.csv oldfolder.bak/mbcharts/20* pws/mbcharts/
cp -rv oldfolder.bak/settings1.php pws/
cp -rv oldfolder.bak/jsondata/*.txt pws/jsondata/

If you changed the folder that the template is installed in, make sure you update the HomeWeatherStation entry in the Networks tab of the MB, and the stationcron.php, empty.php, and addtoyear.php HTTP Requests in the Services tab. While you're at it, make sure stationcron.php is set to "Every full 15 minutes".

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #659 on: June 29, 2019, 12:47:23 PM »
Is there a way to reduce the frequency of API calls being made to Dark Sky and CheckWX? I'm burning through the daily, free tier, call allowance in a few hours.

I don't see an option for this in the quick config GUI, but I guess there's a parameter buried in a config file somewhere?

New Davis  / Nano SD / Weather34 user he and absolutely loving it!


I'd have to agree, I'm seeing the same thing, there is a pretty substantial increase in the calls, where daily calls were below 500 have drastically increases around the 20th. After that they were capped at 1000, and hit the ceiling every day. I've now paid so I can see how high they go. I've set my cap at 10K now, so we will hopefully see what the new daily average is. The 29th I had the cap set at 2K, and we hit it.

Double check how often you have stationcron.php set to run on the Services tab of your MB. Last person that told me the APIs were being called too frequently had accidentally set stationcron.php to run every 10 seconds....

If its not already, set stationcron.php to run "Every full 15 minutes". This ensures that it run at 00:00, 00:15: 00:30, 00:45, etc. If its already set for the full 15 minutes, email me and i'll send you a debug version of stationcron.php that records how often it is run, so that you can make sure its running when its supposed to.

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #660 on: June 29, 2019, 01:00:18 PM »
I now have my site back up and running on my new server, but I had a couple of questions:

  • WU, Darksky and Metar are not updating.  I have verified that the API keys are correct for all 3 and there is up to date data on all 3 sites.  Is there a file that requires special permissions, or is there a way to manually execute the command to pull the data so I can try to determine where the issue is?
. . . shortened . . .
You have to run the stationcron.php evry 5 minutes to update the files.
As all versions are different check the documentation also and this topic f.i.

But you can run stationcron.php manually in the browser and the files will be updated once.

That is an outdated list of Services. Current correct list is:

If your site uses https, then use https instead of http. If your site is in a folder like pws, use links like yourdomain/pws/mbdbfiles/stationcron.php

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #661 on: June 29, 2019, 01:19:18 PM »
Is there a way to reduce the frequency of API calls being made to Dark Sky and CheckWX? I'm burning through the daily, free tier, call allowance in a few hours.

I don't see an option for this in the quick config GUI, but I guess there's a parameter buried in a config file somewhere?

New Davis  / Nano SD / Weather34 user he and absolutely loving it!


I'd have to agree, I'm seeing the same thing, there is a pretty substantial increase in the calls, where daily calls were below 500 have drastically increases around the 20th. After that they were capped at 1000, and hit the ceiling every day. I've now paid so I can see how high they go. I've set my cap at 10K now, so we will hopefully see what the new daily average is. The 29th I had the cap set at 2K, and we hit it.

Just to be sure, I checked through the template files again, and the only place the url "" exists in the template is within mdbdfiles/stationcron.php, so the only way the api can be called is by going to that file in your browser and by the MB calling it every 15 minutes. Make sure you don't have that file open in another tab in your web browser, it could be getting loaded over and over again as your browser tries needs to free up available memory.

Could also be that someone got ahold of your API key. I'd say that's pretty unlikely, but still possible. You could try getting a new API key from them and replace it on the settings page of your template.

Offline seaman55

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #662 on: June 29, 2019, 03:51:55 PM »
I went with the new key options, that definitely stopped it. Looks like something was hitting it about once every 5 seconds.
Now things are back to normal.
Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus Daytime-FARS/Meteobridge Pro/ weather34 template on Raspi v3 B+/PurpleAir AQI sensor
Wireless ISS sitting ground/Wireless Wind, Solar, UV sitting roof
Monroe, Washington USA
CWOP: FW4493

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #663 on: June 29, 2019, 04:34:21 PM »
I went with the new key options, that definitely stopped it. Looks like something was hitting it about once every 5 seconds.
Now things are back to normal.

I haven't had to change a key with them yet, is your old key still active or only the new one? Trying to figure out what could have happened.

Offline seaman55

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #664 on: June 29, 2019, 10:42:30 PM »
I've figured it out.  :oops:
Man, it had me worried for a bit. I have a Raspberry Pi hosting this template, that I use daily, and it works in coordination with a Meteobridge-Pro. I totally forgot that I also have a NanoSD running in my display in another room that had a basic config on it, so it's W34 template displays properly. When ever I reboot 1 meteobridge to get updates, I reboot all of them. Looks like a recent update to the Nano-SD caused its refresh timing for querying API keys to switch to every 5 seconds, on or around the 20th.
That query every 5 seconds, combined with the every 15 minutes of my usual W34 template burned through my API limits.

I'm just glad it was me, and not someone somehow getting a hold of my keys.

Unfortunately the MAX the NanoSD can be set to refresh for its local dashboard is every 1 minute, wish it had a 15 minute option too.
Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus Daytime-FARS/Meteobridge Pro/ weather34 template on Raspi v3 B+/PurpleAir AQI sensor
Wireless ISS sitting ground/Wireless Wind, Solar, UV sitting roof
Monroe, Washington USA
CWOP: FW4493

Offline seaman55

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #665 on: June 30, 2019, 03:35:10 PM »
I've noticed a minor bug in regard to colors. I'm trying to set the title for the Lightning tile to use <ored> but it displays as orange. It's like the red definition is missing from somewhere. I tried hunting for it, but haven't discovered where the color definitions are stored yet. Blue and orange seem to work fine.
Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus Daytime-FARS/Meteobridge Pro/ weather34 template on Raspi v3 B+/PurpleAir AQI sensor
Wireless ISS sitting ground/Wireless Wind, Solar, UV sitting roof
Monroe, Washington USA
CWOP: FW4493

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #666 on: June 30, 2019, 03:54:15 PM »
I've noticed a minor bug in regard to colors. I'm trying to set the title for the Lightning tile to use <ored> but it displays as orange. It's like the red definition is missing from somewhere. I tried hunting for it, but haven't discovered where the color definitions are stored yet. Blue and orange seem to work fine.

Huh, I see that too, as the Davis Console <ored>Forecast</ored> is showing orange. Give me a little and I'll push a fix for it.

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #667 on: July 02, 2019, 08:33:33 PM »
Working on an update I hope to get out tonight that addresses some issues with monthly and yearly charts when there's only one day on a chart, like how if it's a line graph, it's invisible. Also centers up the graph when the month starts anew, so the graph isn't hidden under the y axis. Hope to get this update out tonight.

Offline seaman55

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #668 on: July 02, 2019, 10:12:19 PM »
Thank you for all the great work, attention, and effort.  [tup]
Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus Daytime-FARS/Meteobridge Pro/ weather34 template on Raspi v3 B+/PurpleAir AQI sensor
Wireless ISS sitting ground/Wireless Wind, Solar, UV sitting roof
Monroe, Washington USA
CWOP: FW4493

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #669 on: July 03, 2019, 01:31:57 AM »
One-A-Day For Charts

Fixed the <ored>, <ored1>, etc tags so they actually are the chart's themed red color. If you prefer the old style for your top row modules, in the settings page, change the <ored> title </ored> codes to <oorange> title </oorange>.
Also made a number of tags similar to these to be bold, since the colored words seemed a bit thin, particularly on the light theme. This had the added benefit of bolding (is that a word?) some of the words used in other modules which made them stand out more and looked better.

Also, fixed a number of issues with the charts, particularly when there's only a single point of data on a chart (as many pointed out to me July 1st). Now a single day of data should always show up, and it will be positioned in the middle of the graph instead of being underneath the Y-Axis. For the line charts that normally don't have any markers for the days, just a smooth line, they will have markers when there is only one point of data so they can be seen, and these markers will disappear once a second day is included on the graph. (see screenshot above).

For those of you using git, you luckily only have to type the command git pull.

For everyone else, all charts need to be replaced, as well as the main.dark.css and main.light.css files:

Update these files (right-click => Save link as... to download)

Delete these files

Offline prestwickwx

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #670 on: July 03, 2019, 09:35:37 AM »
One-A-Day For Charts

Fixed the <ored>, <ored1>, etc tags so they actually are the chart's themed red color. If you prefer the old style for your top row modules, in the settings page, change the <ored> title </ored> codes to <oorange> title </oorange>.
Also made a number of tags similar to these to be bold, since the colored words seemed a bit thin, particularly on the light theme. This had the added benefit of bolding (is that a word?) some of the words used in other modules which made them stand out more and looked better.

Also, fixed a number of issues with the charts, particularly when there's only a single point of data on a chart (as many pointed out to me July 1st). Now a single day of data should always show up, and it will be positioned in the middle of the graph instead of being underneath the Y-Axis. For the line charts that normally don't have any markers for the days, just a smooth line, they will have markers when there is only one point of data so they can be seen, and these markers will disappear once a second day is included on the graph. (see screenshot above).

For those of you using git, you luckily only have to type the command git pull.

For everyone else, all charts need to be replaced, as well as the main.dark.css and main.light.css files:

Update these files (right-click => Save link as... to download)

Delete these files

Working great now!

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Offline weather34

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #671 on: July 05, 2019, 06:28:36 AM »
Lets get the Weather Flowing again

Updated wflightning.php and the settings file to use a working WeatherFlow API Key.
Not sure how wflightning.php was ever working because WF said they didn't have that API key in their system. The key is now in there system, but an updated to the file is still needed because the key in the file didn't have the necessary hyphens in it.

git pull

Or replace the following files:

guess thats a classic weatherflow staff response , the original key was issued by them in 2017 , back then it was one key for all developers guess thats changed in recent months, gave up with weatherflow after there latest rain fiasco ,had high hopes for there product but its pretty dam awful when it comes to rain measurements..say no more...

as for beta version there are a few users using it but its far from ready to be used as a main site and unlikely that will be finished before December or perhaps later ,one advantage there is no mysql requirement at all so you may want to look at doing something for the meteobridge version in the future, ive been using for the last month at . its quite simple to do and eradicates issues for those not so fluent or experienced in mysql setup. aim is to make it smart in all aspects just takes time ..

keep up the good work william and thanks for all your perseverance in keeping it available .it was good to skype the other week ...brian (back from vacation now for the boxing up) :-(
« Last Edit: July 05, 2019, 06:32:32 AM by weather34 »

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #672 on: July 06, 2019, 11:40:43 PM »
To anyone who noticed their Darksky and CheckWx (Metar) APIs being used up ridiculously fast each day, turns out this was due to a bug in the Nano SD's internal HWS dashboard, not with this version. The internal copy was allowed to update every 10 to 15 seconds, using 5760 API calls a day, plus the 96 API calls from this version if you used the same API keys between both versions. Boris has pushed an update as of today to fix this by limiting API calls to every 10 minutes instead. Just need to reboot your MB Nano SD for it to update

Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #673 on: July 12, 2019, 02:22:42 AM »
Any more requests for Links, this is what I've gotten so far:

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Offline lightmaster

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Re: WEATHER34 TEMPLATE with meteobridge options
« Reply #674 on: July 23, 2019, 09:43:58 PM »
Linking to the World

Couple of updates here:

Added hardware images for the Ecowitt GW-1000 (courtesy of
Fixed an issue with the barometer trend where I could show without any color formatting.
Added optional links to the menu inside a flyout menu. These links are all disabled by default and must be enabled within the easyweathersetup.php page. There's an option to enable/disable the overall Links menu, and each menu entry will automatically enable and disable itself based on whether or not you fill out the various required id's or usernames. Any ones of them that are blank will be disabled, input anything into the box and they will be enabled.
There are also 2 customizable links within the menu where you can link to any other site you want to, just supply a title for the link and the url, as well as a custom link in the main menu as well.
Added an optional menu option for USA Weather Finder. This is a US only service that lets you see how many people visit your site. Just like with the links, it is completely disabled as long as you leave the settings entries for it blank.

Make sure you download the new css/easyweathersetup.css or else your settings page won't look right. If your settings page does look weird after updating, make sure to clear your browser's cache and make sure that the css/easyweathersetup.css file has permissions that let your webserver read it (usually 664, or worse case 666).

If anyone wants new menu links added, add a request to the github issues page or email me and I'll add it.
If anyone knows any good site similar to USA Weather Finder that is meant for the rest of the world, let me know and I'll see about adding support for it too.

How to Update

Use git pull if you installed using git.

Download (right-click => save link as)

  • img/flags/ch-switzerland.svg