I have been working on this for several days now and am no closer to getting the ftp to work.
I was using beta version 2.0.13, I uninstalled this and installed beta 2.0.12 which the documentation said was stable.
I have tried active and passive mode.
every combination of "Put temp, delete original, rename"
different folders including the root folder with no success.
When its starts to upload the file I see:
connecting to server
logging in
uploading file, at this point the status bar goes about half way and stops.
Then I get the error message ftp disconnected unexpectedly.
When I look at the folder on the web server the file is there but it has a size of 0 so no data was uploaded.
The host I use is GoDaddy and I have not had any problems uploading to them with several different ftp programs.
I really need some help.
Does anyone have any suggestion on where to go from here? Are any of you using one of the beta versions or just v. 1.9.14?