Author Topic: HELP! Texas Weather Inst WR-25 No Serial Com  (Read 911 times)

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Offline longmire

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HELP! Texas Weather Inst WR-25 No Serial Com
« on: November 18, 2023, 03:04:51 PM »
My venerable WR-25 has been injured by its impatient owner - who reconnected the serial cable to the back of the computer while the WR-25 was still powered up (  ](*,) #-o #-o #-o

This resulted in CANNOT OPEN COM PORT on VWS 15 (yeah, I'm THAT old!) -

Not to worry I thought - I've clearly just blown the RS232MAX chip - I've had that happen a few time over the past decades - ordered and received overnight set of 5 such chips (yep - still available). Powered everything down and replaced chip. reconnected serial cable with all powered off, restarted the unit and windows and vws - and absolutely no joy - same message. So, I thought, perhaps the new chip's default baud rate, etc were different from 19200 8 n 0 and launched TWI Cal to detect station - COM Port not Available.

Power off all - move serial cable to known good machine which also has twi cal on it. Power up all and - this time TWI Cal goes through the whole thing of trying different com settings only to say it can't find a station. The station itself is still running - its memory all intact, but it refuses to talk to my equipment. Any other vintage souls out there who might help? PLEEEZE   

oh -
Running on windows 10 22h2 with real rs-232 on an antique z97m motherboard, VWS 15pwhatever the last one was -  Thanks Steve
« Last Edit: November 18, 2023, 03:07:46 PM by longmire »

Offline longmire

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Re: HELP! Texas Weather Inst WR-25 No Serial Com
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2023, 06:16:14 PM »
Also - does a COLD BOOT sequence CLEAR+SCALE+AVERAGE clear the memory and settings from the wr-25 - or does it just reinitialize the hardware (this is an old machine on firmware 2.0 something)