Author Topic: Does one strike trigger others in the near area of a storm?  (Read 1860 times)

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Offline DaleReid

  • Forecaster
  • *****
  • Posts: 2018
    • Weather at Eau Claire, WI
I've been happy with watching the near real time sources for lightning strikes, and when a big area is very active, it seems when one strike occurs, other strikes seem to happen quickly in near proximity to that cell.

Is there anything other than observation that would indicate that when a strike occurs, something in the electric field pushes another strike potential near the first strike to flash itself?  It is just pretty to watch, but I wonder if there is anything except pure co-incidence to it?

How far away from a strike is the electric field disturbed? I have a Boltek Electric Field Mill, and when nothing is cooking, it indicates a very smooth measurement of the field.  During a storm, with a relatively isolated cell, the pattern of charge build up and strike happens pretty consistently, but it would be interesting to know what the electric field is 1/2 mile away, 5 miles and say 20 miles away.  Is there a 'ripple' across the electric potential?

