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Your barometer parameters appears to be similar to the FIne Offset system where elevation is set by calculating the theoretical difference in pressures between your barometer sensor elevation and sea level elevation. This difference is called the Relative offset. It is a fixed number. Your weather station's firmware likely just adds this Relative offset to whatever your current live Absolute value is showing.

The Absolute value is the raw pressure value that your sensor is reporting. It may or may not be accurate so if it needs adjusting for accuracy, you can enter an adjustment. This adjustment is referred to as the Absolute offset.

The whole idea, is to match your Relative value with the Altimeter or QNH value of a close-by airport. If after entering your Relative offset, your Relative value is not matching QNH, you need to adjust your Absolute offset(positive or negative number) until it does. Basically, we use the airport as a handy reference calibration tool to compare pressure values.

I would suggest reading our new barometer wiki for more information and examples of the calibration process:
Hi All,
Just purchased an Explore Scientific WSX1001 5 in 1 Weather Station (Bresser 5 in 1) and am having some difficulty configuring the Absolute and Relative offsets on the unit.
I realise the Explore Scientific WSX 1001 is not a fine offset weather station but would like to configure it as accurately as the unit will allow.

What l have done so far:-

* mounted/Configured the unit and connected it to both my wifi network and WeatherCloud.
* after speaking to the distributor of Explore Scientific, l was told the unit automatically configures the Elevation (not so sure about that given the Relative and Absolute readings and comparing them to nearby weather stations on WeatherCloud!).
* in the ‘Pro Weather Link’ Advanced configuration section, both the Absolute and Relative Offsets are listed as ‘0’
* the weather Station reports that the current Absolute pressure is 984 hPa and the Relative reading is 1008 hPa.
* referenced my elevation on It reported that my property in Castlemaine was 290m. (+2m to account for the height of the console).
* my nearest METAR weather station (Melbourne International Airport) reports 1016 hPa at sea level.

Thanks for your assistance in advance!


Virtual Weather Station / Anyone have a old WMR-968 to sell or trade ?
« Last post by Total on Yesterday at 10:35:46 PM »
Hello All : It finally happened after a big lightning storm my anemometer randomly stops sending data . Anyone have a anemometer or a complete old WMR-968 ( spare parts are always good ) to sell ? Thanks .
I have sucked trying to get the jp graphs to work with the steel series gauges.

I .....   am not.....a programmer
Many thanks for the prompt replies!! [tup]
That info has made things much easier to follow, and I now believe I know what to do.
Will have a read through Wiki as a Sunday project!
What Weather Station Should I Buy? / Re: Basic station with temp sensor
« Last post by R.Sidetrack on Yesterday at 09:16:51 PM »
I don't have any experience with Acurite to make a comparison.

I will say that I have two different Ecowitt temperature sensors in the same physical location, and they don't show the exact same temperature.  But I don't know how to quantify the difference.

Right now its dark out, so sun exposure is not an issue, and the sensor wired to my GW2000 (roughly equivalent to the GW1100) reports 74.8F while the battery operated standalone sensor reports 76.8.  But as I recall, you can't count on the difference to always be 2 degrees.  I don't have any kind of calibrated reference device so I don't know what the ACTUAL temperature is.

There is an option called "calibrate" that allows a + or - adjustment to the reported temperature that is simple enough to set up.
For Sale/Wanted / Wanted: WeatherLink IP or Live
« Last post by Tc911 on Yesterday at 08:32:06 PM »
Looking for either a Davis WeatherLink IP or Live. Must be unregistered…
What Weather Station Should I Buy? / Re: Basic station with temp sensor
« Last post by dport on Yesterday at 06:24:56 PM »
While you said you don't care about wifi, let me suggest that knowing the temperature when you are not at your vacation house has some value.

Choosing this:
... and putting that device (powered with a USB wallwart) outside but in a sheltered spot (free from rain) would provide  data to your phone or computer regardless of where you happened to be at the time.

If you didn't want to put that unit outside, put it inside and add this sensor outdoors (in the shade):
As a bonus, with the second option, both the inside and outside temperatures would be available on your phone.

Note that prices are likely to be less than Amazon at Ecowitt's own shop, although delivery is likely longer.

Many thanks for this.  In your experience, are the Ecowitt temperature sensors (the remote rectangle one you linked) more accurate than acurite or other brands?

Wow, it worked!  Many thanks.  You're a genius.

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