Weather Station Hardware > Ambient Weather and Ecowitt and other Fine Offset clones

Ecowitt IoT, FOSHKplugin & Home Assistant



Are there any users here who already supply the weather station data to Home Assistant via FOSHKplugin and a MQTT-Forward?
Does anyone have a GW2000 and the IoT devices WFC01 and AC1100 in operation and would like to control them via Home Assistant?

The basic control via the Loxone smarthome system (communication via UDP) already works.
I can therefore open and close the valves locally and without the cloud and switch the smart plugs on and off as required.
Next, I'll take care of the connection to Home Assistant and other systems that support MQTT.
I'm looking for a few testers, critics and idea providers.
Would be nice!


Yes, I use a FOSHKplugin via Docker + to ship data to Home Assistant. Pretty solid so far except my WS90 acting weirdly for 6 months+ due to power issues (I am guessing a bad super capacitor).

Let me know if you have any questions I can help with!


How did you dockerize FOSHKplugin?
I've been wanting to make a Docker version of FOSHKplugin for a long time - but unfortunately I don't have the technical background.

Otherwise, I would think it would be fantastic if you could also test MQTT support in HA with FOSHKplugin in parallel to your solution.
You would certainly find potential for improvement because of your comparison possibilities.


Hi olicat,

Have a look at It should get you up and running in a few minutes. Feedback welcome!

In regards to the MQTT support with FOSHKplugin, I suppose the biggest differentiator will be all the virtual sensors ecowitt2mqtt calculates (beaufort scale, for example, is very useful).


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