Weather Related Organizations > WeatherUnderground

Gold Star monitoring service

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I do not recall any explanation from WU regarding their reasoning controlling the issuance or removal of Gold Stars other than the same statement posted on their web site that hasn't changed in years. They either are monitoring sites or there is something else that is randomly removing and restoring Gold Stars. Until WU makes the appropriate adjustments to the site and documents it then the appearance of Gold Stars is meaningless. You got one or you don't, it really doesn't mean anything.

I am seeing some slight improvements to the site and they must be working on it but I am sure the Gold Stars are listed somewhere in the volumes of issues that still need to be addressed.

By the way, I do have a bridge for sale if anyone is interested.


--- Quote from: Notsorusty on November 21, 2019, 05:43:49 PM ---I do not recall any explanation from WU regarding their reasoning controlling the issuance or removal of Gold Stars other than the same statement posted on their web site that hasn't changed in years.

--- End quote ---
It doesn't matter. The GS was an absolute farce then....just as it is now. To think that WU can even remotely monitor the status of 300,000+ PWS's and others and determine if data is bogus or not is a pipe dream. Why oh why people hang their hats on this...I'll never understand, WU can't even do the simplest things right, let alone something of this incredible complexity and magnitude.
Not saying you are, but hat hangers, enjoy your worthless GS. :roll:

Thanks for the link. This will help with my Goldstar Loss Anxiety Syndrome (GLAS).

I will monitor it regularly to make sure I still have my Gold Star.


Greg H.

p.s. I really did sign up just for yucks...

Somehow, this seems like a pilot light to monitor another pilot light.  The "gold star" isn't even a participation trophy anymore and seems to be posted arbitrarily, capriciously and at the whim of some software code or the mood some "administrator" is in.  Saying it's based on data reliability is, indeed, GIGO.

Late to the party here...

Signed up for the gold star thing..  Lost my last gold star when I shut my ws-2000 down for cleaning.

Now, does it tell you why you lost your gold star??


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