After familiarizing myself with the WS-2000-C display tablet console and reading the user manual (version 1.4 of manual latest from 2018), I've submitted the following update recommendations to Ambient Weather support.
UPDATE; Rain Rate method changed in WS-2000 since firmware 1.4.0.
The following no longer appliesMost troubling to me is the difference from previous Ambient Weather hardware in how the WS-2000 handles current rain rate reporting. Or that that it doesn't actually report instant rain rate, and only instead reports the previous actual 60 minutes rainfall amount as Hourly rain. As such I've decided to continue to use my WS-2902A console as my preferred method to upload to both Weather Underground and
In case you have trouble understanding the difference a picture is worth a thousand words:
Here you can see the very same rain even captured by the same rain gauge but reported to WU with two different software consoles to different WU station IDs for comparison each using a different method of reporting rain rate.
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This is my preferred method that shows rain speed and shows passing showers and how fast it dumped. Using this method you can see that the rain this day came in 3 large waves and you can compare the rate of each wave. Using the other method below you really can't make this determination. Also while it is raining with this method you can know how fast it is raining at the exact given moment. Essentially with the WS-2000 you can't see the intensity of the rain cloud over you and haw fast it is raining at that exact moment. The instant rain rate also gives you an idea of how much rain to expect in the next hour if current conditions were to continue for a full hour. This is how the WS-2902A reports rain rate. Also this is how all previous Ambient stations reported rain rate. This is how Davis reports rain rate.
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This other method is just real historical accumulated rain for the past hour. Less informative I think and redundant because this information can be gotten by comparing previous accumulated amount (blue line) to whatever it climbs to (new blue line height). That is why on the first rain event of the day the blue line and the green line match up perfectly. ...It is the same information. This is how the WS-2000 reports rain rate. This is also how the newest Acurite Altas reports rain rate.
The good news is that I've heard back from Ambient Weather and they will be incorporating both methods in a future update to the WS-2000 display tablet. For now if you have both a WS-2000 display tablet and WS-2902A display console you may want to use one or the other for WU depending on your preferred method.The bottom line is that I'm not proposing nor arguing with anyone regarding your personal preference no matter what other published standards say. The fact remains that there are two methods to report rain rate and the user should have a choice for their station. It is apparent in the data as to which method is used so it should not cause confusion. No different than how some people choose to use Altimeter reporting instead of Sea Level Pressure. Good luck trying to convince someone to use ALT versus SLP or the other way around.
The following is the long list of what I recently sent Ambient Weather for feedback on the manual and firmware updates:Hello,
The following are some recommended corrections to the WS-2000 Manual version 1.4 and for the firmware of the device.
There is a firmware bug in the WS-2000-C display tablet when CH1 optional sensor transmits a temperature exceeding 140F. The WS-2000-C keeps showing 140F for that channel and CH8 (which is not connected) starts showing dashes --.-. Even after the WH31 drops back down in temperature the WS-2000-C erroneously keeps thinking that there is a CH8 sensor transmitting. The only way to fix this is to power cycle the WS-2000-C display tablet. A typical location where this might occur is if someone puts a WH31 inside a sauna which can exceed 140F. Even though this is outside of the reported operating range the WS-2000-C should not mess up and erroneously report dashes --.- on channel 8 instead of the channel it was programmed to send on. Maybe this is a firmware bug in the WH31. Regardless the WS-2000-C should temporarily check to see if CH8 is still transmitting and then drop it and it doesn't.
Consider adding RF signal strength indicator for outdoor sensor array.
General recommendations for the manual - Clean up and delete hidden text probably left over from previous revisions of the manual. It inhibits proper document searching and copying pertinent information from the manual for purposes of sharing and quoting from the manual onto online forums. One of the benefits of a digital manual versus a printed one is the ability to quickly search for a key word and have it jump you to the instances where that word shows up. Currently it is impossible to search for anything in the manual with all these hidden text items.
5. Getting Started (sentence below is missing a space after 2000 and the mention that there is also an included indoor thermo-hygrometer-barometer transmitter.)
The Ambient Weather WS-2000 OSPREY WiFi Person Weather Station consists of an indoor display table (receiver + WiFi transmitter), indoor thermo-hygrometer-barometer transmitter, and an all-in-one outdoor weather sensor array.
5.3 Sensor Array Set up
Consider pointing out and labeling antenna protrusion in diagram and the description chart. This will help draw attention to the fact that there is an antenna that needs to be unobstructed during snow fall as at greater distance with snow fall the signal can drop.
5.3.4 Install the Rain gauge Funnel
Mention that it is normal for the rain gauge funnel to not really lock too tightly when rotating clockwise. This is by design to ease in maintenance that should be performed every 2 to 3 months for cleaning.
5.3.6 Install Mounting Pole
Mention that the outdoor mounting should not be performed until completion of testing with Tablet in section 5.10. To ensure that the sensor array is working properly. Mention that this testing should be done before connecting the tablet to WiFi and that a clearing of testing history be deleted right before the tablet goes online after final sensor array mounting.
5.6 Indoor-Outdoor Thermo-Hygrometer-Barometer Transmitter
2. Mention that the temperature, humidity and pressure is pre-calibrated from the factory and is not adjustable by the user. The user can however do final calibration on what shows on the display tablet. Shame they can't also calibrate the optional WH31 sensors.
5.8 Sensor Placement
The manual only mentions that it is recommended to mount the optional WH31 sensor outside on a North facing wall in the shade. It makes no mention that it can also be used for monitoring another indoor room.
5.9 Best Practices for Wireless communications
2. There is an error that mentions that the frequency is 433 MHz for the optional sensor. The frequency for the WH31 according to your website is 915 MHz.
6.6.1 Archive Memory Mode
To scroll to a specific page, press the Recall Page button.
Press the left weather-net-osprey-series/ Delete this link replace with Left Arrow Icon.
6.7.1 Set Date and Time
3. Change all mentions of Daylight Savings Time to read Daylight Saving Time. There is no "s" at the end of Saving. This is a common mistake people make. Fortunately the firmware has this correct but just the manual needs correcting.
6.7.2 Set Time Format
The firmware needs updating to reflect in several places that 12 hour mode should display AM and PM in capital letters. This needs correcting in several places, the main display, the settings pages, the history charts....etc.
6.7.5 Barometer Units of Measure
The firmware needs updating to reflect in several place that hectopascals unit of measure should be displayed as "hPa" not in all lower case as is now. Only the P gets capitalized.
6.7.8 Solar Radiation Units of Measure
Firmware update is needed to fix the W for Watts as this should be capitalized. Only the W gets capitalized. The /m^2 portion is not capitalized. The manual has some places where this should be fixed also.
6.7.9 Multi-Channel Sensor
It would be nice to be able to make calibration adjustments to the optional sensor channels. Currently you can't.
6.7.11 Longitude and Latitude
Currently you can only enter in Latitude and Longitude with up to 4 decimal places. Consider allowing up to 6 decimal places. Although added precision will not affect WS-2000-C performance it gets the user used to using the same location data for when they setup other online weather station services. If you mal-accustom them to only using 4 decimal places their station online might not be in as precise of a location as they desire on maps. Lots of people don't realize that the location precision on the map increases if they were to use more decimal places. It is typical in most weather software to use 6 decimal places.
2. The manual mentions to use Bing maps to determine location. The example given shows a Latitude and Longitude with 13 and 12 decimal places for each. This is incorrect. Bing maps and Google Maps only show 6 decimal places.
3. Why would you have the user round the Latitude and Longitude to 2 decimal places when the WS-2000-C accepts 4 decimal places? Use 6 decimal places for consistency everywhere.
Figure 30 needs updating. That is an old Bing Maps screenshot. Bing maps no longer uses that many decimal places for location.
6.7.14 Archive Interval
Firmware update recommended to change Settings option to read "Archive Interval" from the current just "Interval" as that is more descriptive and matches the manual. Default setting is 5 minutes and it just says Interval and when looking a the screen you may not know what the Interval is for.
6.7.15 Weather Server
Enable a way to turn reporting on or off for Weather Underground. It may be desirable to disable reporting to WU if a secondary weather software starts uploading instead to WU. Your own supports uploading to WU and to save bandwidth if this options is chosen the user has no way to disable once set for the WS-2000-C to stop uploading to WU. Currently it is possible to turn WU off using awnet app but this is not documented. Even though it is possible with the awnet app it would be nice to offer this functionality via the console.
Please consider allowing the change of the WU server address. There should be a choice pre-filled in for WU. But it would be nice to have an optional custom address for those advanced users that may want to redirect the data to their own weather software on the network like those that run WeeWx. It would be tremendously helpful. Also consider doing this for the ObserverIP. Don't just allow the user to erase the default address but instead have the choice for default or custom address for advanced use. Compatible with Alexa
Works well for normal Alexa report or indoor Alexa report. Does not work at all for specific previous date reporting as stated in the manual. Please fix Alexa skill or API on your website for this to work as described in manual. Currently Alexa erroneously reports that the station was not online on that previous date. Registering on
Please consider updating to have the following extra functionality.
- Enable ability to select a previous data via drop down calendar dates.
- Enable dark theme
- Enable Weather Map for those stations that select to share their data publicly (we know this feature is hidden or has not been updated to latest version that has this).
Missing Items from Manual and other Firmware Improvements:The following are items and issues missing from the manual and added improvements to the firmware
- The manual does not mention Hourly rain rate. Besides missing this explanation even more troubling is you should support an option to change the type of rain rate reported. Currently the WS-2902A-C reports Rain rate differently than the WS-2000-C. I prefer the way the WS-2902A reports rain rate because it is an instantaneous rate rate like a prediction and indication of how fast and vigorous it is currently raining. The WS-2000-C on the other hand reports an actual historical rain rate of how much rain fell in the previous 60 minutes. This difference is also reflected in the graphing of the rain rate in several places including Weather Underground graphs, graphs, and the WS-2000-C built in graphs. Perhaps call these two rain rate options as one being Hourly and the other being Actual Rate. The way these two methods graph is totally different. I feel it is more informative to use the rain rate method in the WS-2902A which is on par for how historically other previous Ambient and Davis weather stations function. This was one of the reasons I didn't like how Acurite systems reported rain rate as they did it as actual Hourly and didn't provide the option to choose. The WeatherBridge (Meteobridge) offers the choice of method. This difference is much like how a speedometer in a car works. You may drive really fast for a brief moment and see that you are going 100 mph, but unless you drive for 1 hour you will not actually achieve 100 miles in the next hour. Imagine driving a car that only showed you how far you've driven in the past hour. You would never know your actually current speed at that given moment. Such is the case right now with the WS-2000-C as all you know is how much in the past hour and not the intensity at that given moment. Regardless of any other argument the user should have a choice of which method to use. Out of all the items reported in this bug report this is is the one issue that matters to me the most.
- Also missing is any mention of the new graphs that started showing up since firmware version 1.3.5. Granted this might still be in beta. One thing to do here is to rename the top of the screen for each graph to be the graphs name rather than have them all say just "Graph."
- Also missing in the manual is the importance of firmware updates. The WS-2000-C also requires two types of firmware updates. Both of these should be mentioned.
- There is no mention of using the awnet app to not just do firmware updates to but to configure other online services like WeatherCloud. And also for viewing station data from WU.
- The awnet app should be given the ability to manually select previous firmware versions. I'd like to upgrade from 4.0.2 but 4.1.1 is too new. Maybe I want to give 4.1.0 a try. If I upgrade to 4.1.1 will I be happy with it or will some unknown bug rear its head? If I do find a firmware bug I have no way to go backwards. Even if there is a limitation preventing from going backwards with the hardware. There should be two choices for firmware at least. Stable and Beta. Since 4.0.2 I've been waiting for a newer firmware to seem stable but it seems every couple days or weeks a new version has come out. Better the devil I know that the devil I don't know. I know 4.0.2 has an over hyper DNS query every few seconds but it doesn't seem to be affecting my network. So I'm staying on 4.0.2 until I see a stable future firmware or one that offers a new feature that I'm willing to risk being an early adopter for.
That is a lot of stuff. I don't expect an instant fix to all these items specially now with Spring Festival going on. But please put these on the punch list starting with the rain rate issue.
Thank you