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Just noticed this today, have no idea what it is. It's on the CWOP Site Information page for my station. Read the MADIS page still don't know, anyone?

Two thumbs up is better than two thumbs down I'm sure, but two thumbs up out of a possible five is not so great, just not sure how this works.


--- Quote from: "Ravenstar" ---
Two thumbs up is better than two thumbs down I'm sure, but two thumbs up out of a possible five is not so great, just not sure how this works.
--- End quote ---

With all the thumbs, I think Fonzi from Happy Dyas is doing QA?


--- Quote from: "Ravenstar" ---two thumbs up out of a possible five is not so great, just not sure how this works.
--- End quote ---

Where did you see that 5 thumbs is the maximum rating?  I saw one site this morning (not mine) that had 99% ratings for all 3 categories... two green thumbs for each one.

Just a guess, but I'm thinking they do two different types of quality checks, one for each thumb.  Either green or red, or maybe yellow?

Kevin I didn't see anywhere it says five thumbs up, just used that to get across that I have no idea what two thumbs up means. Where did you see a percentage rating? Maybe I need to contact Russ.


--- Quote from: "Ravenstar" ---Kevin I didn't see anywhere it says five thumbs up, just used that to get across that I have no idea what two thumbs up means. Where did you see a percentage rating? Maybe I need to contact Russ.
--- End quote ---

If you're using IE, you can mouseover that graphic and see the percentages.  Doesn't work for FF...


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