Author Topic: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges  (Read 2711 times)

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Offline WessexWeather

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MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« on: May 18, 2016, 06:13:23 PM »
I've finally set up my SteelSeries Gauges here...

However there are some errors on the pop-ups: -

The apparent temperature and rain rate time stamps always show midnight.
The heat index time stamp reads n/a.
The wind bearing displays unusual METAR data.
Last rain shows as n/a.
Max per hour rain rate is incorrect.

Has anyone else noticed these errors or can anyone suggest a workaround?

Thanks in advance.

Simon (WessexWeather)

Offline saratogaWX

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2016, 12:20:49 AM »
Hi Simon,
I'm assuming you are refering to the text bubbles that pop open when you mouse-over a gauge...

Meteobridge does not provide quite the same data as Cumulus does, and some of the missing data are set to 0.0.

In particular, Meteobridge provides no time stamps for apparent temperature, high rain rate, heat index.
nor max rain rate per hour data.

I have no idea where the 'METAR 00000KT' stuff is coming from.  Your gauges should be fully formatted based
on the JSON data in MBrealtimegauges.txt (which is produced by your http access to conds.php via meteobridge).

In conds.php, this code assembles the JSON output for MBrealtimegauges.txt -- you can see which variables are dummied-out
since the data is not provided by meteobridge.

Code: [Select]
// Assemble the JSON data array for output
$JSONdata = array();

$JSONdata["date"] = $Data[1]; // (this is really 'time') WD Sample= '3:39 PM'
$JSONdata["dateFormat"] = ($WDdateMDY)?'m/d/y':'d/m/y'; // WD Sample= 'm/d/y'
$JSONdata["temp"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[2],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F'
$JSONdata["tempTL"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[28],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '34.4°F'
$JSONdata["tempTH"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[26],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F'
$JSONdata["intemp"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[22],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '73.2'
$JSONdata["dew"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[4],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '34.9°F'
$JSONdata["dewpointTL"] = $WX['th0dew-dmin']; // WD Sample= '30.1 °F'
$JSONdata["dewpointTH"] = $WX['th0dew-dmax']; // WD Sample= '40.8 °F'
// Note: Meteobridge does not provide apparent temperature .. we substitute Humidex
$JSONdata["apptemp"] =  $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '63.4'
$JSONdata["apptempTL"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '32.2'
$JSONdata["apptempTH"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '72.3'
$JSONdata["wchill"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[24],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F'
$JSONdata["wchillTL"] = $WX['wind0chill-dmin']; // WD Sample= '34.4 °F'
$JSONdata["heatindex"] = $Data[41]; // WD Sample= '64.7°F'
$JSONdata["heatindexTH"] = $Data[41]; // WD Sample= '64.7 °F'
$JSONdata["humidex"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '61.6°F'
$JSONdata["wlatest"] = conds_convertWind($Data[6],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '0.0 mph'
$JSONdata["wspeed"] = conds_convertWind($Data[5],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '0.4 mph'
$JSONdata["wgust"] = conds_convertWind($Data[40],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '7.0 mph'
$JSONdata["wgustTM"] = conds_convertWind($Data[32],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '11.0 mph'
$JSONdata["bearing"] = round($Data[11]); // WD Sample= '292 °'
$JSONdata["avgbearing"] = round($Data[46]); // WD Sample= '311°'
$JSONdata["press"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[10],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.138 in.'
$JSONdata["pressTL"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[36],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.124 in.'
$JSONdata["pressTH"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[34],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.229 in.'
$JSONdata["pressL"] = $WX['thb0seapress-amin']; // WD Sample= '26.001'
$JSONdata["pressH"] = $WX['thb0seapress-amax']; // WD Sample= '30.569'
$JSONdata["rfall"] = conds_convertRain($Data[9],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= '0.00 in.'
$JSONdata["rrate"] = conds_convertRain($Data[8],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= '0.00'
$JSONdata["rrateTM"] = $WX['rain0rate-dmax']; // WD Sample= '0.000'
$JSONdata["hum"] = $Data[3]; // WD Sample= '33'
$JSONdata["humTL"] = $WX['th0hum-dmin']; // WD Sample= '31'
$JSONdata["humTH"] = $WX['th0hum-dmax']; // WD Sample= '86'
$JSONdata["inhum"] = $Data[23]; // WD Sample= '32'
$JSONdata["SensorContactLost"] = '0'; // WD Sample= '0'
$JSONdata["forecast"] = 'Conditions updated: '.$Data[1]; // WD Sample= 'increasing clouds and warmer. precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hrs. windy.'
$JSONdata["tempunit"] = preg_match('|C|i',$sTempUOM)?'C':'F'; // WD Sample= 'F'
$JSONdata["windunit"] = trim($sWindUOM); // WD Sample= 'mph'
$JSONdata["pressunit"] = trim($sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= 'inHg'
$JSONdata["rainunit"] = trim($sRainUOM); // WD Sample= 'in'
$JSONdata["temptrend"] = conds_convertTempRate($Data[25],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '+1.0 °F/last hr'
$JSONdata["TtempTL"] = $Data[29]; // WD Sample= '7:40 AM'
$JSONdata["TtempTH"] = $Data[27]; // WD Sample= '3:19 PM'
$JSONdata["TdewpointTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0dew-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '7:40 AM'
$JSONdata["TdewpointTH"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0dew-dmaxtime']); // WD Sample= '9:16 AM'
$JSONdata["TapptempTL"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '7:13 AM'
$JSONdata["TapptempTH"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '1:14 PM'
$JSONdata["TwchillTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['wind0chill-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '3:19 PM'
$JSONdata["TheatindexTH"] = 'n/a'; // WD Sample= '3:19 PM'
$JSONdata["TrrateTM"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '00:00 AM'
$JSONdata["ThourlyrainTH"] = '00:00'; // conds_convertRain($Data[47],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= ''
$JSONdata["LastRainTipISO"] = 'n/a'; // WD Sample= '1/12/2013 4:12 AM'
$JSONdata["hourlyrainTH"] = '0.0'; // WD Sample= '0.000'
$JSONdata["ThumTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0hum-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '3:22 PM'
$JSONdata["ThumTH"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0hum-dmaxtime']);; // WD Sample= '8:05 AM'
$JSONdata["TpressTL"] = $Data[37]; // WD Sample= '2:18 PM'
$JSONdata["TpressTH"] = $Data[35]; // WD Sample= '10:09 AM'
$JSONdata["presstrendval"] = $Data[18]; // WD Sample= '-0.019 in. '
$JSONdata["Tbeaufort"] = 'F'.round($Data[12]); // WD Sample= '3'
$JSONdata["TwgustTM"] = $Data[33]; // WD Sample= '2:19 PM'
$JSONdata["windTM"] = conds_convertWind($Data[32],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '6.2 mph'
$JSONdata["bearingTM"] = round($Data[46]); // WD Sample= '315'
$fixedTimestamp = strtotime(conds_fixupDate($Data[0],false).' '.$JSONdata["date"]);
$JSONdata["timeUTC"] = gmdate('Y,m,d,H,i,s',$fixedTimestamp); // WD Sample= '2013,01,20,23,39,59'
$JSONdata["BearingRangeFrom10"] = '359'; // WD Sample= '289°'
$JSONdata["BearingRangeTo10"] = '0'; // WD Sample= '6°'
$JSONdata["UV"] = $Data[43]; // WD Sample= '0.7'
$JSONdata["SolarRad"] = $Data[45]; // WD Sample= '267'
$JSONdata["CurrentSolarMax"] = $Data[45]; // WD Sample= '238'
$JSONdata["SolarTM"] = $WX['sol0rad-dmax']; // WD Sample= '560'
$JSONdata["domwinddir"] = conds_deg2dir($Data[46]); // WD Sample= 'Northwesterly'
$JSONdata["WindRoseData"] = '[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]';
// Note: Meteobridge does not collect/publish this windrose data
// a WD Sample='[22.0,23.0,7.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,3.0,233.0,139.0]'
// $uomWindRun = (preg_match('|C|',$uomTemp))?'km/h':'mph';
$JSONdata["windrun"] = '0.0'; // new in ver=9 -- Meteobridge does not collect windrun
$JSONdata["version"] = $Data[38]; // WD Sample= '10.37R'
$JSONdata["build"] = $Data[39]; // WD Sample= '45'
$JSONdata["ver"] = "9"; // constant);

Hope this helps...
Best regards,

Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
Free weather PHP scripts/website templates - update notifications on Twitter saratogaWXPHP

Offline WessexWeather

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2016, 01:34:42 AM »
Hi Ken,

Thanks for the reply, I thought that may be the case.

However, time stamps for high rain rate and heat index etc are catered for, as can be seen here: -

Simon (WessexWeather)

Offline mcrossley

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2016, 05:01:15 AM »

I have no idea where the 'METAR 00000KT' stuff is coming from.  Your gauges should be fully formatted based
on the JSON data in MBrealtimegauges.txt (which is produced by your http access to conds.php via meteobridge).

The gauges.js script generates this, it looks like for meteobridge this should be disabled. In gauges.js settings section, set showWindVariation to false...

Code: [Select]
            showWindVariation : false,                   //Show variation in wind direction over the last 10 minutes on the direction gauge
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 07:15:14 AM by mcrossley »

Offline WessexWeather

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2016, 06:35:59 AM »
Thanks, as ever Mark. That's done the trick!

Simon (WessexWeather)

Offline mcrossley

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2016, 08:52:58 AM »
I have now auto-disabled that feature if you select MB as the program - I have pushed version 2.5.12 up to github with that change, along with documenting some changes for WeeWx.

Offline WessexWeather

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2016, 01:51:39 PM »
Hi Simon,
I'm assuming you are refering to the text bubbles that pop open when you mouse-over a gauge...

Meteobridge does not provide quite the same data as Cumulus does, and some of the missing data are set to 0.0.

In particular, Meteobridge provides no time stamps for apparent temperature, high rain rate, heat index.
nor max rain rate per hour data.

I have no idea where the 'METAR 00000KT' stuff is coming from.  Your gauges should be fully formatted based
on the JSON data in MBrealtimegauges.txt (which is produced by your http access to conds.php via meteobridge).

In conds.php, this code assembles the JSON output for MBrealtimegauges.txt -- you can see which variables are dummied-out
since the data is not provided by meteobridge.

Code: [Select]
// Assemble the JSON data array for output
$JSONdata = array();

$JSONdata["date"] = $Data[1]; // (this is really 'time') WD Sample= '3:39 PM'
$JSONdata["dateFormat"] = ($WDdateMDY)?'m/d/y':'d/m/y'; // WD Sample= 'm/d/y'
$JSONdata["temp"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[2],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F'
$JSONdata["tempTL"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[28],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '34.4°F'
$JSONdata["tempTH"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[26],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F'
$JSONdata["intemp"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[22],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '73.2'
$JSONdata["dew"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[4],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '34.9°F'
$JSONdata["dewpointTL"] = $WX['th0dew-dmin']; // WD Sample= '30.1 °F'
$JSONdata["dewpointTH"] = $WX['th0dew-dmax']; // WD Sample= '40.8 °F'
// Note: Meteobridge does not provide apparent temperature .. we substitute Humidex
$JSONdata["apptemp"] =  $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '63.4'
$JSONdata["apptempTL"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '32.2'
$JSONdata["apptempTH"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '72.3'
$JSONdata["wchill"] = conds_convertTemp($Data[24],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '64.7°F'
$JSONdata["wchillTL"] = $WX['wind0chill-dmin']; // WD Sample= '34.4 °F'
$JSONdata["heatindex"] = $Data[41]; // WD Sample= '64.7°F'
$JSONdata["heatindexTH"] = $Data[41]; // WD Sample= '64.7 °F'
$JSONdata["humidex"] = $Data[42]; // WD Sample= '61.6°F'
$JSONdata["wlatest"] = conds_convertWind($Data[6],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '0.0 mph'
$JSONdata["wspeed"] = conds_convertWind($Data[5],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '0.4 mph'
$JSONdata["wgust"] = conds_convertWind($Data[40],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '7.0 mph'
$JSONdata["wgustTM"] = conds_convertWind($Data[32],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '11.0 mph'
$JSONdata["bearing"] = round($Data[11]); // WD Sample= '292 °'
$JSONdata["avgbearing"] = round($Data[46]); // WD Sample= '311°'
$JSONdata["press"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[10],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.138 in.'
$JSONdata["pressTL"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[36],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.124 in.'
$JSONdata["pressTH"] = conds_convertBaro($Data[34],$uomBaro,$sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= '30.229 in.'
$JSONdata["pressL"] = $WX['thb0seapress-amin']; // WD Sample= '26.001'
$JSONdata["pressH"] = $WX['thb0seapress-amax']; // WD Sample= '30.569'
$JSONdata["rfall"] = conds_convertRain($Data[9],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= '0.00 in.'
$JSONdata["rrate"] = conds_convertRain($Data[8],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= '0.00'
$JSONdata["rrateTM"] = $WX['rain0rate-dmax']; // WD Sample= '0.000'
$JSONdata["hum"] = $Data[3]; // WD Sample= '33'
$JSONdata["humTL"] = $WX['th0hum-dmin']; // WD Sample= '31'
$JSONdata["humTH"] = $WX['th0hum-dmax']; // WD Sample= '86'
$JSONdata["inhum"] = $Data[23]; // WD Sample= '32'
$JSONdata["SensorContactLost"] = '0'; // WD Sample= '0'
$JSONdata["forecast"] = 'Conditions updated: '.$Data[1]; // WD Sample= 'increasing clouds and warmer. precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hrs. windy.'
$JSONdata["tempunit"] = preg_match('|C|i',$sTempUOM)?'C':'F'; // WD Sample= 'F'
$JSONdata["windunit"] = trim($sWindUOM); // WD Sample= 'mph'
$JSONdata["pressunit"] = trim($sBaroUOM); // WD Sample= 'inHg'
$JSONdata["rainunit"] = trim($sRainUOM); // WD Sample= 'in'
$JSONdata["temptrend"] = conds_convertTempRate($Data[25],$uomTemp,$sTempUOM); // WD Sample= '+1.0 °F/last hr'
$JSONdata["TtempTL"] = $Data[29]; // WD Sample= '7:40 AM'
$JSONdata["TtempTH"] = $Data[27]; // WD Sample= '3:19 PM'
$JSONdata["TdewpointTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0dew-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '7:40 AM'
$JSONdata["TdewpointTH"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0dew-dmaxtime']); // WD Sample= '9:16 AM'
$JSONdata["TapptempTL"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '7:13 AM'
$JSONdata["TapptempTH"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '1:14 PM'
$JSONdata["TwchillTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['wind0chill-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '3:19 PM'
$JSONdata["TheatindexTH"] = 'n/a'; // WD Sample= '3:19 PM'
$JSONdata["TrrateTM"] = '00:00'; // WD Sample= '00:00 AM'
$JSONdata["ThourlyrainTH"] = '00:00'; // conds_convertRain($Data[47],$uomRain,$sRainUOM); // WD Sample= ''
$JSONdata["LastRainTipISO"] = 'n/a'; // WD Sample= '1/12/2013 4:12 AM'
$JSONdata["hourlyrainTH"] = '0.0'; // WD Sample= '0.000'
$JSONdata["ThumTL"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0hum-dmintime']); // WD Sample= '3:22 PM'
$JSONdata["ThumTH"] = conds_timeOnly($WX['th0hum-dmaxtime']);; // WD Sample= '8:05 AM'
$JSONdata["TpressTL"] = $Data[37]; // WD Sample= '2:18 PM'
$JSONdata["TpressTH"] = $Data[35]; // WD Sample= '10:09 AM'
$JSONdata["presstrendval"] = $Data[18]; // WD Sample= '-0.019 in. '
$JSONdata["Tbeaufort"] = 'F'.round($Data[12]); // WD Sample= '3'
$JSONdata["TwgustTM"] = $Data[33]; // WD Sample= '2:19 PM'
$JSONdata["windTM"] = conds_convertWind($Data[32],$uomWind,$sWindUOM); // WD Sample= '6.2 mph'
$JSONdata["bearingTM"] = round($Data[46]); // WD Sample= '315'
$fixedTimestamp = strtotime(conds_fixupDate($Data[0],false).' '.$JSONdata["date"]);
$JSONdata["timeUTC"] = gmdate('Y,m,d,H,i,s',$fixedTimestamp); // WD Sample= '2013,01,20,23,39,59'
$JSONdata["BearingRangeFrom10"] = '359'; // WD Sample= '289°'
$JSONdata["BearingRangeTo10"] = '0'; // WD Sample= '6°'
$JSONdata["UV"] = $Data[43]; // WD Sample= '0.7'
$JSONdata["SolarRad"] = $Data[45]; // WD Sample= '267'
$JSONdata["CurrentSolarMax"] = $Data[45]; // WD Sample= '238'
$JSONdata["SolarTM"] = $WX['sol0rad-dmax']; // WD Sample= '560'
$JSONdata["domwinddir"] = conds_deg2dir($Data[46]); // WD Sample= 'Northwesterly'
$JSONdata["WindRoseData"] = '[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]';
// Note: Meteobridge does not collect/publish this windrose data
// a WD Sample='[22.0,23.0,7.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,3.0,233.0,139.0]'
// $uomWindRun = (preg_match('|C|',$uomTemp))?'km/h':'mph';
$JSONdata["windrun"] = '0.0'; // new in ver=9 -- Meteobridge does not collect windrun
$JSONdata["version"] = $Data[38]; // WD Sample= '10.37R'
$JSONdata["build"] = $Data[39]; // WD Sample= '45'
$JSONdata["ver"] = "9"; // constant);

Hope this helps...
Best regards,

Thanks Ken,

It looks as though MeteoBridge now also caters for the time of last rainfall, as well as the various missing time stamps mentioned above...

Would it be possible to release an update to the script that generates the MBrealtimegauges.txt file?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 01:54:27 PM by WessexWeather »

Simon (WessexWeather)

Offline saratogaWX

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2016, 07:57:29 PM »
Yes, now that Boris has added additional weather variables, I'll do an update to have the new variables appear.

Best regards,
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
Free weather PHP scripts/website templates - update notifications on Twitter saratogaWXPHP

Offline WessexWeather

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2016, 03:59:44 AM »
Thanks Ken,

Look forward to the update. Would you be kind enough to post here when ready?

Many thanks.

Simon (WessexWeather)

Offline saratogaWX

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2016, 11:25:56 AM »
Yes, will post here (and via the usual channels).
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
Free weather PHP scripts/website templates - update notifications on Twitter saratogaWXPHP

Offline WessexWeather

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2016, 01:36:30 PM »
Hi Ken,

Have you released the update yet?



Simon (WessexWeather)

Offline saratogaWX

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Re: MeteoBridge and SteelSeries Gauges
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2016, 08:03:01 PM »
D'Oh...  #-o  :oops: forgot about this one

It's back on the to-do list... sorry!
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
Free weather PHP scripts/website templates - update notifications on Twitter saratogaWXPHP

