Weather Station Hardware > Ambient Weather and Ecowitt and other Fine Offset clones

How to protect the rain collection cup from leaves


My WS2092A will be mounted kind of in the trees, by my house - my only real option.  I have it on a threaded pole so I can lower it from time to time to clean it, but obviously don't want to clean it any more than I have to.  My big concern as we head into the thick of autumn is leaves.  Would it be a problem to get some window screen material to build a little "dome" over the rain collection cup to keep it from getting fouled by leaves?  Has anyone tried that or something similar or have that same problem?

One's proper siting of their PWS is generally, without a doubt, the most difficult task of ownership. Putting in the trees won't be the answer, I think you'll have more problems than just leaves. Not everyone can sit a wx station properly, or even remotely proper, you may be one. Can you send pics of your surroundings? Perhaps there's something that'll work better.

I agree.

Maybe a roof install at an adequate height might be better than in the trees.


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