Web Weather > Weather Web Resources

Weather Radar map for sites

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NWS has a new experimental radar map, looks cool. Any idea if we could pull this to our sites?

Do you have a link to the map you are talking about?

my bad.. I forgot the link


I like that. I hope we would be able to use it on the websites. Get rid of the WU maps.

This works quite nicely in an iframe. Particular settings (layers, location, zoom) can be saved using the Save/Share button at the bottom and plugging that into the "src" attribute of the iframe.  E.g. I just quickly stuck this into a otherwise content-free page and got it to work first try:

--- Code: ---<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 70vh;"
        src="https://preview.weather.gov/edd/?lat=42.3492&lon=-72.0173&zoom=6&ql=TFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF&ml=U.S._States|520|0.8&bm=ESRI_Dark_Gray&lsr=F&lsrp=3&lsra=&mp=F&lfc=F&rt=Observed&rf=status='major' or status='moderate' or status='minor' or status='action'&ht=threat&pid=N0Q&sf=GOES_Infrared_-_SSEC&ri=5&obs=TFTTFFFFFFTF&is=1&ou=mph&od=-50&ships=F&cluster=T&radO=0.75&satO=0.75&hazO=0.3&tropO=0.7&ndfdO=0.7&ndfdR=Continental_US&ndfdF=Maximum_Temperature_(ºF)&ndfdT=12&ndfdTS=&lviz=F&fullscreen=F&fxt=Point_(Text_Only)&ppd=24&pdy=3&satf=60&obsync=F&flavor=Advanced&tfo=null&tfd=null&tfw=null&ht=F&hd=F&ho=null&hf=null&hb=F&hsps=F&ot=Meteorological_Observation&hvt=F&sht=F&ehm=T&uwl=F&ec=F&lll=F&keys=&ofont=14&opnt=1.2&oset=15&oan=F&oap=1&oid=F&cc=Pub&oo=F&cs=F&rs=P&ofbs=">
--- End code ---

Pretty cool...


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